On Thu, Apr 01, 2010 at 10:56:03AM -0300, Gilberto Nunes wrote:
> But now that I see... the Log.MYD is in bacula directory locate on 
> /var/lib/mysql...
> Then, i thing that this Log.MYD is onwer but bacula or not???

Yeah, I think Phil is wrong, you're not talking about same thing.

/var/lib/mysql/bacula/Log.MYD / MYI is bacula table, which contains
logged output for jobs (any errors etc., the stuff you get with 
"list joblog" bacula command), and not the MySQL SQL log.

See it's contents for yourself with something like:
mysql bacula -e 'select * from Log limit 30'

It should be purged automatically when the jobs themselves are
purged. I do not know what would happen if you decided to purge it
manually from SQL (maybe nothing, but...). 

So if should probably shrink by itself after some time if you reduce
your "Job Retention". Or maybe it is so big because some of your jobs
had a ton of messages - that should also expire by itself with such

Alternatively, I think you could modify your "catalog" line in
"Messages" resources in config files, in order to log less (or
even nothing).

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