On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Bill Szkotnicki <b...@uoguelph.ca> wrote:
> I am trying to come up with a reasonable fileset for windows 7 or vista
> clients.
> The obvious idea is (C:/Users  i.e. all users data on the PC or laptop )
> My fileset is:
> FileSet {
>  Name = "win7-files"
>  Include {
>    Options {
>      onefs=no
>      Compression=GZIP
>      signature=SHA1
>      Sparse = yes
>    }
>    File = "C:/Users"
>  }
> }
> But it is giving strange messages ... see below.
> Has anyone got insight into how to do this effectively?
> Ideally I would also like to exclude all of the unnecessary garbage that
> windows puts into "Users".
> Bill
> 09-Apr 08:39 msi-fd JobId 11029:      Cannot open C:/Users/All
> Users/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
> Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
> Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
> Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
> Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
> Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
> Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application Data/Application
> Data/Application
> Data/Microsoft/Search/Data/Applications/Windows/MSS.log: ERR=The process
> cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
> .

I believe this is normal. These are junction points (kind of like
symbolic links) that should already be backed up in their actual


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