On 4/12/10 8:39 AM, Matija Nalis wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 07:59:53AM -0500, Jon Schewe wrote:
>> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time:7200
>>> netstat -to
>> Client:
>> tcp        0      0 client:9102       server:54043      ESTABLISHED
>> keepalive (7196.36/0/0)
> That's strange. It should've been the timeouts you specified in
> config files, not 7200 seconds (two hours) which is system default.
> It looks like bacula does not use TCP_KEEPIDLE setsockopt(2) on your
> system. You might want to report a bug on http://bugs.bacula.org/
> IMHO, it should work there. Or if not, it should probably throw a
> warning if you try to use it and it is not supported or fails.
> Apart from fixing bacula, you can override system default, for
> example (on both server and client) do :
> echo 60 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
> (or edit /etc/sysctl.d/* or /etc/sysctl.conf to retain value across
> reboots). Can you try what "netstat -to" says after you lower that
> limit and rerun backups ? 
Now I see the timer down where I expect it. Should I only need this on
the client?
> If "netstat -to" then reports smaller timers (60 or less), than it
> should fix your problem, so you can try turning accurate back to yes.
> Does that help ?
It's running, I'll know in a couple of hours.

Jon Schewe | http://mtu.net/~jpschewe
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