Hi Martin,

Martin Simmons wrote: 
> >>>>> On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 10:27:30 -0400, Glen Barber said:
> > 
> > I'm seeing what I believe to be unusual behavior with regards to transfer
> > speeds.  Ultimately, I'd like to find out if either bacula-fd or
> > bacula-dir determine the maximum possible transfer speed during a backup,
> > and if that speed is locked during the process.
> No, they don't work at that level.  They open tcp streams and let the
> underlying OSes deal with data transfer.  The backup data itself is
> transferred from the bacula-fd to the bacula-sd (not the bacula-dir).
> netstat -s might be a good place to start looking for network stats, though
> they will be per machine rather than per process.

The data I have been able to obtain so far indicated something
bacula-specific.  As always, thank you for the explanation and suggestion.

Glen Barber

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