On Mon, Apr 26, 2010 at 09:38:02AM -0300, Sergio Belkin wrote:
> It say differential because I've run that job before but ssh was
> unmounted so first backup was empty. 

So that was probably the problem. For incremental/differental to work
correctly, bacula expects that the new/modified files will have their
mtime timestamps updated on creation/modification, so it will know
what files have changed since full backup.

So differential backup will just look for files that have been
modified since the timestamp of last backups (like "find -mtime"...)

In your situtation, when you mounted sshfs, it had *new* files which
had mtime *older* than last time of full backup, so bacula decided
not to back up such files.

So in short; you must run full backup when sshfs is mounted, only
then will new differential and incremental backups work correctly
(alternatively, you could "touch" all the files, but that is probably
more trouble than it's worth).

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