On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 10:43:44AM +0200, IEM - network operating center 
(IOhannes m zmoelnig) wrote:
> i'm running bacula 2.4.4 in a debian/etch environment (i know that it is
> a bit outdated; but there is even one debian/sarge host that i cannot
> really update...)

No worries, 2.4.4 is also the one in Lenny :)

And it seems to me that is about the most stable version ATM
(although the Branch-5.0 GIT seems to be rapidly fixing the remaining
bugs). So for this once Debian long sta(b)le policy is for the good!

> bacula is doing a nightly backup ("full" every 3 months or so, "diff"
> every week, and "incr" every night) onto an autochanger (Quantum
> SuperLoader3, btw)
> due to some scsi resets, 2 of my daily pool tapes have been flagged as
> "Full" even though they are virtually empty (e.g. 4% fill state).

Strange, I would expect them to be marked "Error" (but I have not run
2.4.4 for long)...

> in "bat" i see that i could change the volum status to anything, even
> "Append", but i want to make sure that this is a good idea.

You may want to look at:
(or http://tinyurl.com/33jhblm if your MUA breaks the link)

There may be issue with number of files written (which would lead to
tape being marked as error again when bacula tries to write next job
to it)

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