On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 12:27:11PM +0200, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:
> Hi folks,
> looks like lucid comes with bacula v5 which seemingly is unable to
> talk to our server running bacula 2.4.x: 

Your other clients are all 2.4.x I guess.

> following that, there's a "client rejected hello command" message on
> the server. 
> Is there any way to turn on 2.x "client compatibility" in a 5.0.1
> client? 


So your options are either to downgrade the client on Lucid (maybe
there can be found a package for 2.4.x version ? If not, you may need
to build it yourself)

Or you can upgrade your director and SDs (it is usually possible to
have a newer directory/SD talk to older FD client; but not the other
way around. However 5.0 to 2.4 might be quite a stretch).

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