Hi folks,

I have two pools, namely "LocalDisk" and "OffSite". I run daily backups 
on my LocalDisk pool, and once weekly I copy the last full backup to the 
OffSite pool, for offsite storage. All works well there, and I'm using 
Bacula 5.0.1.

To keep human interaction to a minimal, I wrote a script that will take 
a series of tapes and mark them with VolStatus=Archive, InChanger=no, 
and makes sure they are indeed unmounted. Script works wonders too.

The problem is that if I trigger the script as a RunAfterJob, and pass 
"%v" to it, %v expands to the list of source tapes in the copy job, not 
the list of destination tapes. To my surprise, I found several LocalDisk 
'tapes' marked as Archive.

The email sent from the copy job confirms that bacula expanded "%v" to 
the source tapes, not the destination ones. Is there another variable I 
can use, or any other way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?


Nico Halpern
UNIX Systems Administrator

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