Feature Request

Item: implement Vacation/Holiday scheduling *within* Bacula(director)
Date: 10 May 2010
Origin: Olaf Zevenboom (o...@artefact.nl)

A pre-job option to check to see if the current date (or the day before 
when jobs are run after 24.00) is a holiday/vacation. Currently this can 
be done by calling an external script, however this has some drawbacks 
as described below.

It's easy to use an external script to check for holidays/vacation 
however implementing it with a configurable config file directly into 
the director is probably not that hard either. For script implementation 
with configurable file see also: 

Advantages of direct implementation within Bacula:
- current implementation using an external script leads to Bacula 
messages reporting errors on holidays as the job is canceled while 
behavior is expected as it is. Implementation in Director will eliminate 
the need to falsely call these jobs erroneous. If errors are reported by 
email or even a pager/SMS this can be annoying.
- this feature is a must for all of those with a single-slot tapedrive 
so having this feature eliminates the need for administrators with such 
an hardware environment to implement an external solution
- external "solutions" are OS specific

Maybe it is also an option to support ics files or even icalendar-servers.
See: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/calendar/holidays.html


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