Hi John, thanks for your answer

here i have an example for pool padir on full backup April 10th it was all 
rigth for volume asis-dir-abr1

10-abr 12:11 bacula-dir JobId 1738: Start Backup JobId 1738, 
10-abr 12:11 bacula-dir JobId 1738: Using Device "FileStorage"
10-abr 12:11 bacula-sd JobId 1738: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" previously written, 
moving to end of data.
10-abr 12:11 bacula-sd JobId 1738: Ready to append to end of Volume 
"asis-dir-abr1" size=15019647040
10-abr 12:03 casisdireccion JobId 1738: Generate VSS snapshots. Driver="VSS 
WinXP", Drive(s)="C"
10-abr 12:57 casisdireccion JobId 1738: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "WMI 
Writer", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
10-abr 12:57 casisdireccion JobId 1738: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Microsoft 
Writer (Bootable State)", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
10-abr 12:57 casisdireccion JobId 1738: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): 
"MSDEWriter", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
10-abr 12:57 casisdireccion JobId 1738: VSS Writer (BackupComplete): "Microsoft 
Writer (Service State)", State: 0x1 (VSS_WS_STABLE)
10-abr 13:05 bacula-sd JobId 1738: Job write elapsed time = 00:53:35, Transfer 
rate = 2.994 M bytes/second
10-abr 13:05 bacula-dir JobId 1738: Bacula bacula-dir 3.0.3 (18Oct09): 
10-abr-2010 13:05:18
  Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat 
  JobId:                  1738
  Job:                    asisdireccion.2010-04-10_12.00.00_35
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 "casisdireccion" 3.0.3 (18Oct09) 
  FileSet:                "resadir" 2009-12-02 06:45:15
  Pool:                   "padir" (From Job resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "Default" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         10-abr-2010 12:00:00
  Start time:             10-abr-2010 12:11:38
  End time:               10-abr-2010 13:05:18
  Elapsed time:           53 mins 40 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       6,605
  SD Files Written:       6,605
  FD Bytes Written:       9,626,564,207 (9.626 GB)
  SD Bytes Written:       9,627,964,178 (9.627 GB)
  Rate:                   2989.6 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    yes
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         asis-dir-abr1
  Volume Session Id:      23
  Volume Session Time:    1270823010
  Last Volume Bytes:      24,654,945,320 (24.65 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

10-abr 13:05 bacula-dir JobId 1738: Begin pruning Jobs.
10-abr 13:05 bacula-dir JobId 1738: No Jobs found to prune.
10-abr 13:05 bacula-dir JobId 1738: Begin pruning Files.
10-abr 13:05 bacula-dir JobId 1738: Pruned Files from 2 Jobs for client 
casisdireccion from catalog.
10-abr 13:05 bacula-dir JobId 1738: End auto prune.

and then on April 12 it tries to use the same volume

12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Please mount Volume "asis-dir-abr1" or label 
a new one for:
    Job:          asisdireccion.2010-04-12_10.15.00_01
    Storage:      "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula)
    Pool:         padir
    Media type:   File

and then it marks it with error in catalog

12-abr 10:15 bacula-dir JobId 1756: Start Backup JobId 1756, 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-dir JobId 1756: Using Device "FileStorage"
12-abr 10:07 casisdireccion JobId 1756: DIR and FD clocks differ by -482 
seconds, FD automatically compensating.
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: mount.c:219 Open device 
"FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula) Volume "asis-dir-abr1" failed: ERR=dev.c:532 Could 
not open: /mnt/bacula/asis-dir-abr1, ERR=`handle' de fichero NFS en desuso

12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: mount.c:219 Open device 
"FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula) Volume "asis-dir-abr1" failed: ERR=dev.c:532 Could 
not open: /mnt/bacula/asis-dir-abr1, ERR=`handle' de fichero NFS en desuso

12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: mount.c:219 Open device 
"FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula) Volume "asis-dir-abr1" failed: ERR=dev.c:532 Could 
not open: /mnt/bacula/asis-dir-abr1, ERR=`handle' de fichero NFS en desuso

12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: mount.c:219 Open device 
"FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula) Volume "asis-dir-abr1" failed: ERR=dev.c:532 Could 
not open: /mnt/bacula/asis-dir-abr1, ERR=`handle' de fichero NFS en desuso

12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: Volume "asis-dir-abr1" not on 
device "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula).
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Marking Volume "asis-dir-abr1" in Error in 
12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Warning: mount.c:219 Open device 
"FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula) Volume "asis-dir-abr1" failed: ERR=dev.c:532 Could 
not open: /mnt/bacula/asis-dir-abr1, ERR=`handle' de fichero NFS en desuso

12-abr 10:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Please mount Volume "asis-dir-abr1" or label 
a new one for:
    Job:          asisdireccion.2010-04-12_10.15.00_01
    Storage:      "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula)
    Pool:         padir
    Media type:   File
12-abr 11:15 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Please mount Volume "asis-dir-abr1" or label 
a new one for:
    Job:          asisdireccion.2010-04-12_10.15.00_01
    Storage:      "FileStorage" (/mnt/bacula)
    Pool:         padir
    Media type:   File
12-abr 12:06 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Fatal error: Job 1756 canceled.
12-abr 12:06 bacula-sd JobId 1756: Fatal error: fd_cmds.c:166 Command error 
with FD, hanging up. Append data error.

12-abr 12:15 bacula-dir JobId 1756: Bacula bacula-dir 3.0.3 (18Oct09): 
12-abr-2010 12:15:23
  Build OS:               i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat 
  JobId:                  1756
  Job:                    asisdireccion.2010-04-12_10.15.00_01
  Backup Level:           Incremental, since=2010-04-10 12:11:38
  Client:                 "casisdireccion" 3.0.3 (18Oct09) 
  FileSet:                "resadir" 2009-12-02 06:45:15
  Pool:                   "padir" (From Job resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "Default" (From Job resource)
  Scheduled time:         12-abr-2010 10:15:00
  Start time:             12-abr-2010 10:15:13
  End time:               12-abr-2010 12:15:23
  Elapsed time:           2 hours 10 secs
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       0
  SD Files Written:       0
  FD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    yes
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  Volume name(s):         
  Volume Session Id:      39
  Volume Session Time:    1270823010
  Last Volume Bytes:      24,654,945,320 (24.65 GB)
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  Canceled
  SD termination status:  Canceled
  Termination:            Backup Canceled

| MediaId | VolumeName    | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes       | VolFiles | 
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten         |
|      86 | asisdireccion | Error     |       1 | 31,325,919,430 |        7 |   
31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2010-03-27 12:42:00 |
|      94 | asis-dir-abr1 | Error     |       1 | 24,654,945,320 |        5 |   
31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2010-04-10 13:05:13 |
|     109 | adir-abr01    | Error     |       1 | 19,717,889,601 |        4 |   
31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2010-04-19 10:26:20 |
|     116 | adir-abr19-30 | Used      |       1 | 50,347,149,639 |       11 |   
31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2010-05-08 12:57:18 |
|     142 | adir-may01-15 | Error     |       1 | 11,289,242,671 |        2 |   
31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2010-05-14 11:36:26 |
|     164 | adir-may15-31 | Append    |       1 | 10,190,580,742 |        2 |   
31,536,000 |       1 |    0 |         0 | File      | 2010-05-15 13:25:53 |

The file seems not to be available but i could label a new one and the next day 
the backup was ok in the new volume.
I also could notice i have a volume marked as used, that means it changed the 
volume automatically so i'm doing something wrong.
I only have a cuestion. If i label a new volume some days before it make 12 
backups at the next backup shall it use the new volume?

thanks in advance
have a nice day
Daniel Beas Enriquez

> Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 22:26:44 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Problem with Volumes
> From: dresche...@gmail.com
> To: beasdan...@hotmail.com
> CC: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> 2010/5/17 Daniel beas <beasdan...@hotmail.com>:
> >
> > Hi to all,
> > My name is Daniel Beas, i'm from Guadalajara Mexico and i'm new at this
> > list.
> >
> > I have implemented a bacula server and am making backups in files (i don't
> > have a tape drive). I have a volume for each client and i need to take out
> > all the files every 2 weeks and then label a new volume to backup.
> > Bacula is running an Incremental backup every day and a full backup once a
> > week on weekend.
> > Trying to do this i defined in the pool resource MaximumVolumeJobs = 12.
> > Some days before of 12th day, i do label a new volume for the Pool and then,
> > after de 12th Job i get the message "cannot find appendable Volumes for
> > pool-x" and then it marks the volume as Error in catalog, so it is not ok
> > for a recover.
> > How can i do to avoid volume be marked with Error in catalog?
> > this is an exampe of my pool definition
> > Pool {
> >    Name = "pdis2"
> >    Pool Type = Backup
> >    Recycle = yes
> >    AutoPrune = yes
> >    Volume Retention = 365 days
> >    MaximumVolumeJobs = 15
> > }
> >
> > I'm running Bacula 3.0.3 on Fedora core 8
> > most of bacula-fd are windows XP sp2
> >
> > Thanks in advance, I hope you can help me the way i would like can to help
> > somebody in the future.
> >
> > Have a nice Day
> Do you have the logs? It would be helpful to post the part of log (or
> messages) when this happens. Also if you have this please post status
> storage pool=pdis2
> John
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