I am having some problems with bweb keep getting the errors below when trying 
to view job files or View file usage.  Not sure why but i have added the 
"catalog - all, skipped! missed!" to the message section of my bacula-dir.conf 
i think this is where bweb gets its job info from right?

Also there does not seem to be anything in the apache error log directly 
corresponding to these errors but i do get an occasional one of these

[Wed May 19 01:20:06 2010] [error] [client X.X.X.X] Cannot 
exec(/usr/sbin/bconsole -n -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf): No such file or 
directory, referer: http://bacula.computerking.ca/cgi-bin/bweb/bweb.pl?

An error has occurred:

Path information for job 19 has not been updated in the catalog

An error has occurred:

Can't get log for jobid 19

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