On Jun 21, 2010, at 6:43 AM, Cato Myhrhagen wrote:

> I have som problems getting Bacula-Bat working. Here is what i have done so 
> far:
> 1. Installed FreeBSD 8.0 rel
> 2. From the ports catalogue i have installed Gnome Lite
> 3. Uppgraded all the ports with CVsup
> 4. Then I installed Bacula rel (with MySQL), altso from the ports 
> catalogue.

By this, do you mean the sysutils/bacula-server port?

> 5. Installed BAT
> I then tried to start Bat by opening Gnome, starting a teminalvindow and 
> typing bat, but got error message (dont have it now becouse it stoped giving 
> me this message). I also notised that bacula-dir prosess stopped when i tried 
> to start Bat. Then i checked if MySQL was running, but it wasnt even 
> installed (i thought it would be installed together with Bacula, but no)

Only the MySQL client libraries are installed when you install Bacula.  The 
reason behind this is that you might be using a MySQL database on a different 
server to store your database.  If you are going to run a local MySQL server 
then you need to install an appropriate databases/mysql??-server port and 
configure that so it runs.

> Therefor i installed MySQL-server 5.0.90, started it and tried to run BAT 
> again. The program starts but dosent seem to work. It continues to try to 
> connect to the database i think. In the lover left corner of the BAT Gui i 
> continues to display the folloving: "Connecting to Direbtor Localhost:9010" 
> and then says "Connection fails"

After you installed the MySQL server did you run the scripts to create the 
databases and tables necessary for Bacula to run?  These are in 
/usr/local/share/bacula.  You need to run three scripts: 
create_bacula_database, make_bacula_tables, and grant_bacula_privileges before 
starting up Bacula for the first time.  The reason you are getting the error 
message about not being able to connect to the Director is that it probably 
died when it started up after not finding the correct tables in the database.

Note, also, you need to enable MySQL in /etc/rc.conf if you are using it as 
your back-end database, so that it runs at startup.  If it is not running, the 
Director will not be able to connect to the database.

Note, I use PostgreSQL as my back-end database.  I can easily check it is 
running via its startup script:

backup# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/postgresql status
pg_ctl: server is running (PID: 1180)
/usr/local/bin/postgres "-D" "/usr/local/pgsql/data"

(There should be something similar for MySQL.)  Similarly, for the Bacula 

backup# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/bacula-dir status
bacula_dir is running as pid 1280.



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