It seems that just overwriting doesn't work. When I set NextPool = Tuesday in 
the pool I defined in the copy job def, everything works (on tuesdays).
So as it is now, I have to change NextPool every day. I guess this is a bug?

>I'm having a problem with copy jobs. When the copy job starts, it correctly
>chooses the jobs to be copied. But then all but the last job stop with errors.
>The last job runs perfectly fine. When I then start the copy job again, the
>chosen JobIDs are the ones from the job before minus the one that ran
>successfully. So I have to run the job, wait for it to finish, run it again
>etc. until all jobs are copied.
>The "WeeklyScratch" in the fatal errors comes from the jobdef for my copyjob. I
>had to enter a pool there, otherwise bacula wouldn't start. So I just chose
>WeeklyScratch figuring it wouldn't be used anyway because I override it in my
>schedule or when I run the job manually. I don't understand why I need to
>define a pool in a job definition. Anyway, the override seems to work for the
>last job to copy, bacula correctly chooses the pool "FridayOD" to read from
>which has "NextPool = Friday" defined.
>Btw: I also cannot simply run a copy job. It does not give me options like the
>other jobs but just breaks with the same Fatal error as below. I can run it
>like this though: run job=CopyJob pool=FridayOD yes
>Here are the logs of two copy jobs that I ran consecutively. This is directly
>from the log. I get a job report per mail as usual, the Fatal errors come
>separately with subject "bacula daemon message" though if that is of any
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification found
>in Pool "WeeklyScratch".
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification found
>in Pool "WeeklyScratch".
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification found
>in Pool "WeeklyScratch".
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification found
>in Pool "WeeklyScratch".
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: The following 5 JobIds were chosen to be
>copied: 10247,10248,10249,10250,10251
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Job not run.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Error: Could not start migration job.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Job not run.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Error: Could not start migration job.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Job not run.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Error: Could not start migration job.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Job not run.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Error: Could not start migration job.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Copying using JobId=10251
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Bootstrap records written to
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Start Copying JobId 10276,
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Using Device "usb-changer-1-drive-0"
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Ready to read from volume "daily034" on
>device "FileStorage" (/backup).
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Volume "usbchanger1_0005_0019" previously
>written, moving to end of data.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Ready to append to end of Volume
>"usbchanger1_0005_0019" size=525619595
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Forward spacing Volume "daily034" to
>file:block 0:2520964703.
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-sd JobId 10276: End of Volume at file 1 on device
>"FileStorage" (/backup), Volume "daily034"
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Ready to read from volume "daily035" on
>device "FileStorage" (/backup).
>25-Jun 09:54 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Forward spacing Volume "daily035" to
>file:block 0:64709.
>25-Jun 09:55 bacula-sd JobId 10276: End of Volume at file 1 on device
>"FileStorage" (/backup), Volume "daily035"
>25-Jun 09:55 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Ready to read from volume "daily014" on
>device "FileStorage" (/backup).
>25-Jun 09:55 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Forward spacing Volume "daily014" to
>file:block 0:64705.
>25-Jun 09:56 bacula-sd JobId 10276: End of Volume at file 1 on device
>"FileStorage" (/backup), Volume "daily014"
>25-Jun 09:56 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Ready to read from volume "daily015" on
>device "FileStorage" (/backup).
>25-Jun 09:56 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Forward spacing Volume "daily015" to
>file:block 0:64705.
>25-Jun 09:57 bacula-sd JobId 10276: End of Volume at file 1 on device
>"FileStorage" (/backup), Volume "daily015"
>25-Jun 09:57 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Ready to read from volume "daily001" on
>device "FileStorage" (/backup).
>25-Jun 09:57 bacula-sd JobId 10276: Forward spacing Volume "daily001" to
>file:block 0:197.
>25-Jun 09:57 bacula-sd JobId 10276: End of Volume at file 0 on device
>"FileStorage" (/backup), Volume "daily001"
>25-Jun 09:57 bacula-sd JobId 10276: End of all volumes.
>25-Jun 09:58 bacula-dir JobId 10276: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10):
>25-Jun-2010 09:58:07
>  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu debian 5.0.4
>  Prev Backup JobId:      10251
>  Prev Backup Job:        india083.2010-06-25_02.05.00_45
>  New Backup JobId:       10277
>  Current JobId:          10276
>  Current Job:            CopyJob.2010-06-25_09.54.28_43
>  Backup Level:           Full
>  Client:                 None
>  FileSet:                "None" 2010-06-18 17:11:00
>  Read Pool:              "FridayOD" (From User input)
>  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
>  Write Pool:             "Friday" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
>  Write Storage:          "usbchanger1" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool
>  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>  Start time:             25-Jun-2010 09:54:31
>  End time:               25-Jun-2010 09:58:07
>  Elapsed time:           3 mins 36 secs
>  Priority:               11
>  SD Files Written:       15,216
>  SD Bytes Written:       2,434,109,688 (2.434 GB)
>  Rate:                   11269.0 KB/s
>  Volume name(s):         usbchanger1_0005_0019
>  Volume Session Id:      260
>  Volume Session Time:    1276873992
>  Last Volume Bytes:      2,963,216,743 (2.963 GB)
>  SD Errors:              0
>  SD termination status:  OK
>  Termination:            Copying OK -- with warnings
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification found
>in Pool "WeeklyScratch".
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification found
>in Pool "WeeklyScratch".
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 0: Fatal error: No Next Pool specification found
>in Pool "WeeklyScratch".
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: The following 4 JobIds were chosen to be
>copied: 10247,10248,10249,10250
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Job not run.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Error: Could not start migration job.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Job not run.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Error: Could not start migration job.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Job not run.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Error: Could not start migration job.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Copying using JobId=10250
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Bootstrap records written to
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Start Copying JobId 10278,
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Using Device "usb-changer-1-drive-0"
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-sd JobId 10278: Ready to read from volume "daily034" on
>device "FileStorage" (/backup).
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-sd JobId 10278: Volume "usbchanger1_0005_0019" previously
>written, moving to end of data.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-sd JobId 10278: Ready to append to end of Volume
>"usbchanger1_0005_0019" size=2963216743
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-sd JobId 10278: Forward spacing Volume "daily034" to
>file:block 0:2508578399.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Bacula bacula-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10):
>25-Jun-2010 09:59:33
>  Build OS:               x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu debian 5.0.4
>  Prev Backup JobId:      10250
>  Prev Backup Job:        iavdb.2010-06-25_02.05.00_44
>  New Backup JobId:       10279
>  Current JobId:          10278
>  Current Job:            CopyJob.2010-06-25_09.59.28_52
>  Backup Level:           Full
>  Client:                 None
>  FileSet:                "None" 2010-06-18 17:11:00
>  Read Pool:              "FridayOD" (From User input)
>  Read Storage:           "File" (From Pool resource)
>  Write Pool:             "Friday" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
>  Write Storage:          "usbchanger1" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool
>  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
>  Start time:             25-Jun-2010 09:59:31
>  End time:               25-Jun-2010 09:59:33
>  Elapsed time:           2 secs
>  Priority:               11
>  SD Files Written:       10
>  SD Bytes Written:       45,108,388 (45.10 MB)
>  Rate:                   22554.2 KB/s
>  Volume name(s):         usbchanger1_0005_0019
>  Volume Session Id:      261
>  Volume Session Time:    1276873992
>  Last Volume Bytes:      3,008,364,379 (3.008 GB)
>  SD Errors:              0
>  SD termination status:  OK
>  Termination:            Copying OK -- with warnings
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: No Jobs found to prune.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: Begin pruning Jobs.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: No Files found to prune.
>25-Jun 09:59 bacula-dir JobId 10278: End auto prune.
>And a bit of configuration:
>JobDefs {
>    Name = "CopyDefault"
>    Type = Copy
>    Messages = Standard
>    Client = None
>    FileSet = None
>    Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs
>    #Selection Type = SQLQuery
>    #Selection Pattern = "select * from Job where JobId=10090"
>    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
>    SpoolData = No
>    Allow Duplicate Jobs = Yes
>    Cancel Queued Duplicates = No
>    Cancel Running Duplicates = No
>    Priority = 11
>    Pool = WeeklyScratch
>    Storage = File
>Job {
>    Name = "CopyJob"
>    Jobdefs = "CopyDefault"
>    Schedule = "CopyCycle"
>Pool {
>  Name = DailyScratch
>  Pool Type = Backup
>  Recycle Pool = DailyScratch
>Pool {
>  Name = WeeklyScratch
>  Pool Type = Backup
>  Recycle Pool = WeeklyScratch
>Pool {
>    Name = Friday
>    Pool Type = Backup
>    Storage = usbchanger1
>    Recycle = yes
>    AutoPrune = yes
>    Volume Retention = 5 days
>    Maximum Volume Bytes = 4608M
>Pool {
>    Name = FridayOD
>    Pool Type = Backup
>    Storage = File
>    Recycle = yes
>    AutoPrune = yes
>    Volume Retention = 12 hours
>    Maximum Volume Bytes = 4608M
>    ScratchPool = DailyScratch
>    NextPool = Friday
>Schedule {
>    Name = "CopyCycle"
>    Run = Pool=TuesdayOD tue at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=WednesdayOD wed at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=ThursdayOD thu at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FridayOD fri at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=SecondSaturdayOD 2nd sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=ThirdSaturdayOD 3rd sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FourthSaturdayOD 4th sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FifthSaturdayOD 5th sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayJanuaryOD on jan at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayFebruaryOD on feb at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=March2011OD on mar at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayAprilOD on apr at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayMayOD on may at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayJuneOD on jun at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayJulyOD on jul at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayAugustOD on aug at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdaySeptemberOD on sep at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayOctoberOD on oct at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayNovemberOD on nov at 1st sun at 9:05
>    Run = Pool=FirstSaturdayDecemberOD on dec at 1st sun at 9:05
>Client {
>    Name = None
>    Address = localhost
>    Password = "NoNe"
>    Catalog = MyCatalog
>FileSet {
>    Name = None
>    Include {
>        Options {
>            signature = MD5
>        }
>    }
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