Hi all

I have a problem with fullvirtual backup, I use 3 pool: OffsitePool,
DataSpool and WeeklyPoolTape
the strategy is incremental to WeeklyPoolTape every day, virtualfull to
DataSpool at saturday night after this copy to OffsitePool from
DataSpool and finally migrate back to WeeklyPoolTape

problem appear with virtualfull that try to use OffsitePool to generate
backup on DataSpool

Is it an incorrect strategy? Is it a configuration problem?


Same file configuration and commented log to clarify below:

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = VirtualFull Saturday at 22:05
  Run = Incremental Saturday at 19:05
  Run = Incremental Monday at 23:10
  Run = Incremental Tuesday at 23:10
  Run = Incremental Wednesday at 23:10
  Run = Incremental Thursday at 23:10
  Run = Incremental Friday at 23:10

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycleDtt"
  Run = Full Sunday at 04:00 

# Client (File Services) to backup
# clients are  ga1-fd ga2-fd ga-srv-fd ga1-srv-fd ga2-srv-fd ga1-net-fd 
ga2-net-fd ga1-fw-fd ga2-fw-fd
# defined like this
 Client {
  Name = ga1-fd
  Address = ga1
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx          # password for FileDaemon
  File Retention = 30 days            # 30 days
  Job Retention = 6 months            # six months
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files

JobDefs {
  Name = "DefaultJob"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Incremental
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = LTO4
  Messages = Standard
  Priority = 10
  Pool = WeeklyPoolTape 
  Max Wait Time = 1d

# A job definition per client like this
Job {
  Name = "BackupGa1"
  JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
  Client = ga1-fd
  Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/ClientGa1.bsr"

Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 3w
  Storage = LTO4

Pool {
  Name = WeeklyPoolDisk
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 3w 
  NextPool = WeeklyPoolTape
  Storage = File
  Purge Oldest Volume = Yes
  Volume Use Duration = 1d

Pool {
  Name = WeeklyPoolTape
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 3w
  Storage = LTO4
  NextPool = WeeklyPoolDisk

Pool {
  Name = WeeklyPoolDiskDummy
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 3w
  copy pool = WeeklyPoolDisk
  NextPool = OffsitePool
  Storage = File
  Purge Oldest Volume = Yes

Pool {
  Name = OffsitePool
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 2w 
  Storage = LTO4
  Volume Use Duration = 1d
  Recycle Current Volume = yes

Job {
  Name = CopyDtt
  Enabled = Yes
  Schedule = WeeklyCycleDtt 
  Pool = WeeklyPoolDiskDummy
  Storage = LTO4
  Type = Copy
  Client = None
  FileSet = None
  Selection Type = SQLQuery
  Selection Pattern = "SELECT Job.JobId FROM Job,Pool WHERE Job.Type = 'B' and 
Job.JobStatus = 'T' and Pool.Name = 'WeeklyPoolDisk' and Job.PoolId = 
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  SpoolData = No
  Allow Duplicate Jobs = Yes
  Allow Higher Duplicates = No
  Cancel Queued Duplicates = No
  Cancel Running Duplicates = No
  Priority = 13
  Messages = Standard

Job {
  Name = MigrateDtt
  Enabled = Yes
  Schedule = WeeklyCycleDtt
  Pool = WeeklyPoolDisk
  Storage = LTO4
  Type = Migrate
  Client = None
  FileSet = None
  Selection Type = SQLQuery
  Selection Pattern = "SELECT Job.JobId FROM Job,Pool WHERE Job.Type = 'B' and 
Job.JobStatus = 'T' and Pool.Name = 'WeeklyPoolDisk' and Job.PoolId = 
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20
  SpoolData = No
  Priority = 14
  Messages = Standard

This append yesterday night

17-Jul 22:05 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Start Virtual Backup JobId 4924, 
17-Jul 22:05 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Warning: This Job is not an Accurate backup so 
is not equivalent to a Full backup.
17-Jul 22:06 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Bootstrap records written to 
17-Jul 22:06 ga2-dir JobId 4924: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume 
"DataSpool". Marking it purged.
17-Jul 22:06 ga2-dir JobId 4924: All records pruned from Volume "DataSpool"; 
marking it "Purged"
17-Jul 22:06 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Recycled volume "DataSpool"
17-Jul 22:06 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Using Device "FileStorage"
17-Jul 22:06 ga-sd JobId 4924: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 6, drive 
0" command.
17-Jul 22:07 ga-sd JobId 4924: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 5, drive 0" 
17-Jul 22:07 ga-sd JobId 4924: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 5, drive 0", status 
is OK.
17-Jul 22:07 ga-sd JobId 4924: Ready to read from volume "MG5753L4" on device 
"Drive-1" (/dev/nst0).
17-Jul 22:07 ga-sd JobId 4924: Recycled volume "DataSpool" on device 
"FileStorage" (/media/bacula-vtl), all previous data lost.
17-Jul 22:07 ga-sd JobId 4924: Forward spacing Volume "MG5753L4" to file:block 
18-Jul 03:47 ga-sd JobId 4924: End of Volume at file 1090 on device "Drive-1" 
(/dev/nst0), Volume "MG5753L4"
18-Jul 03:49 ga-sd JobId 4924: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 5, drive 
0" command.
18-Jul 03:49 ga-sd JobId 4924: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0" 
18-Jul 03:50 ga-sd JobId 4924: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0", status 
is OK.
18-Jul 03:50 ga-sd JobId 4924: Ready to read from volume "MG5752L4" on device 
"Drive-1" (/dev/nst0).
18-Jul 03:50 ga-sd JobId 4924: Forward spacing Volume "MG5752L4" to file:block 
18-Jul 03:51 ga-sd JobId 4924: End of Volume at file 12 on device "Drive-1" 
(/dev/nst0), Volume "MG5752L4"
18-Jul 03:51 ga-sd JobId 4924: End of all volumes.
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Bacula ga2-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10): 17-Jul-2010 
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 10.04
  JobId:                  4924
  Job:                    Shared.2010-07-17_22.05.00_40
  Backup Level:           Virtual Full
  Client:                 "ga-srv-fd" 5.0.1 (24Feb10) 
  FileSet:                "Shared" 2010-04-30 23:10:00
  Pool:                   "WeeklyPoolDisk" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "File" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Scheduled time:         17-Jul-2010 22:05:00
  Start time:             17-Jul-2010 19:05:03
  End time:               17-Jul-2010 19:06:57
  Elapsed time:           1 min 54 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       1,668,033
  SD Bytes Written:       690,753,814,686 (690.7 GB)
  Rate:                   6059244.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         DataSpool
  Volume Session Id:      21
  Volume Session Time:    1279293542
  Last Volume Bytes:      2,936,973,312 (2.936 GB)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4924: No Jobs found to prune.
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Begin pruning Jobs.
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4924: Pruned Files from 1 Jobs for client ga-srv-fd 
from catalog.
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4924: End auto prune.

Everything ok, but after this

18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4925: Start Virtual Backup JobId 4925, 
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4925: Warning: This Job is not an Accurate backup so 
is not equivalent to a Full backup.
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4925: Bootstrap records written to 
18-Jul 03:53 ga2-dir JobId 4925: Using Device "FileStorage"
18-Jul 03:53 ga-sd JobId 4925: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume 
"NOLABEL" on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
18-Jul 03:54 ga-sd JobId 4925: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 6, drive 
0" command.
18-Jul 03:54 ga-sd JobId 4925: Warning: acquire.c:265 Read acquire: Wrong 
Volume mounted on device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0): Wanted NOLABEL have MG5752L4
18-Jul 03:54 ga-sd JobId 4925: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume 
"NOLABEL" on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
18-Jul 03:54 ga-sd JobId 4925: Please mount Volume "NOLABEL" for:
    Job:          BackupGa1.2010-07-17_22.05.00_41
    Storage:      "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)
    Pool:         WeeklyPoolTape
    Media type:   LTO4
18-Jul 03:59 ga-sd JobId 4925: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume 
"NOLABEL" on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
18-Jul 03:59 ga-sd JobId 4925: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 

and so on NOLABEL is a volume from OffsitePool
now I cancel the job and 

18-Jul 12:58 ga-sd JobId 4925: acquire.c:205 Job 4925 canceled.
18-Jul 12:58 ga2-dir JobId 4925: Bacula ga2-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10): 17-Jul-2010 
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 10.04
  JobId:                  4925
  Job:                    BackupGa1.2010-07-17_22.05.00_41
  Backup Level:           Virtual Full
  Client:                 "ga1-fd" 5.0.1 (24Feb10) 
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2009-10-27 11:13:19
  Pool:                   "WeeklyPoolDisk" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "File" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Scheduled time:         17-Jul-2010 22:05:00
  Start time:             17-Jul-2010 19:06:59
  End time:               17-Jul-2010 19:07:02
  Elapsed time:           3 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         
  Volume Session Id:      22
  Volume Session Time:    1279293542
  Last Volume Bytes:      677,479,154,688 (677.4 GB)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  Canceled
  Termination:            Backup Canceled

18-Jul 12:58 ga2-dir JobId 4926: Start Virtual Backup JobId 4926, 
18-Jul 12:58 ga2-dir JobId 4926: Warning: This Job is not an Accurate backup so 
is not equivalent to a Full backup.
18-Jul 12:58 ga2-dir JobId 4926: Bootstrap records written to 
18-Jul 12:58 ga2-dir JobId 4926: Using Device "FileStorage"
18-Jul 12:58 ga-sd JobId 4926: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume 
"MG5755L4" on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
18-Jul 12:58 ga-sd JobId 4926: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
18-Jul 12:58 ga-sd JobId 4926: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: 
nothing loaded.
18-Jul 12:58 ga-sd JobId 4926: Warning: acquire.c:224 Read open device 
"Drive-1" (/dev/nst0) Volume "MG5755L4" failed: ERR=dev.c:491 Unable to open 
device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0): ERR=No medium found

18-Jul 12:58 ga-sd JobId 4926: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume 
"MG5755L4" on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
18-Jul 12:58 ga-sd JobId 4926: Please mount Volume "MG5755L4" for:
    Job:          BackupGa2.2010-07-17_22.05.00_42
    Storage:      "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)
    Pool:         WeeklyPoolTape
    Media type:   LTO4
18-Jul 12:59 ga2-dir JobId 4926: Fatal error: bsock.c:488 Packet size too big 
from "Storage daemon: Terminating connection.

Volume "MG5755L4" is another tape from OffsitePool,
cancel job 

18-Jul 12:59 ga2-dir JobId 4926: Bacula ga2-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10): 17-Jul-2010 
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 10.04
  JobId:                  4926
  Job:                    BackupGa2.2010-07-17_22.05.00_42
  Backup Level:           Virtual Full
  Client:                 "ga2-fd" 5.0.2 (28Apr10) 
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2009-10-27 11:13:19
  Pool:                   "WeeklyPoolDisk" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "File" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Scheduled time:         17-Jul-2010 22:05:00
  Start time:             17-Jul-2010 19:07:04
  End time:               17-Jul-2010 19:07:06
  Elapsed time:           2 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         
  Volume Session Id:      23
  Volume Session Time:    1279293542
  Last Volume Bytes:      678,141,241,344 (678.1 GB)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  Canceled
  Termination:            Backup Canceled
18-Jul 12:59 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Start Virtual Backup JobId 4927, 
18-Jul 12:59 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Warning: This Job is not an Accurate backup so 
is not equivalent to a Full backup.
18-Jul 12:59 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Bootstrap records written to 
18-Jul 12:59 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Using Device "FileStorage"
18-Jul 12:59 ga-sd JobId 4927: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded? drive 0" 
18-Jul 12:59 ga-sd JobId 4927: 3302 Autochanger "loaded? drive 0", result: 
nothing loaded.
18-Jul 12:59 ga-sd JobId 4927: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 5, drive 0" 
18-Jul 12:59 ga-sd JobId 4927: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 5, drive 0", status 
is OK.
18-Jul 13:00 ga-sd JobId 4927: Ready to read from volume "MG5753L4" on device 
"Drive-1" (/dev/nst0).
18-Jul 13:00 ga-sd JobId 4927: Volume "DataSpool" previously written, moving to 
end of data.
18-Jul 13:00 ga-sd JobId 4927: Ready to append to end of Volume "DataSpool" 
18-Jul 13:00 ga-sd JobId 4927: Forward spacing Volume "MG5753L4" to file:block 
18-Jul 13:13 ga-sd JobId 4927: End of Volume at file 1080 on device "Drive-1" 
(/dev/nst0), Volume "MG5753L4"
18-Jul 13:15 ga-sd JobId 4927: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 5, drive 
0" command.
18-Jul 13:15 ga-sd JobId 4927: 3304 Issuing autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0" 
18-Jul 13:16 ga-sd JobId 4927: 3305 Autochanger "load slot 6, drive 0", status 
is OK.
18-Jul 13:16 ga-sd JobId 4927: Ready to read from volume "MG5752L4" on device 
"Drive-1" (/dev/nst0).
18-Jul 13:16 ga-sd JobId 4927: Forward spacing Volume "MG5752L4" to file:block 
18-Jul 13:17 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Bacula ga2-dir 5.0.2 (28Apr10): 17-Jul-2010 
  Build OS:               x86_64-pc-linux-gnu ubuntu 10.04
  JobId:                  4927
  Job:                    BackupGa1Srv.2010-07-17_22.05.00_43
  Backup Level:           Virtual Full
  Client:                 "ga1-srv-fd" 5.0.1 (24Feb10) 
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2009-10-27 11:13:19
  Pool:                   "WeeklyPoolDisk" (From Job Pool's NextPool resource)
  Catalog:                "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
  Storage:                "File" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
  Scheduled time:         17-Jul-2010 22:05:00
  Start time:             17-Jul-2010 19:07:09
  End time:               17-Jul-2010 19:07:11
  Elapsed time:           2 secs
  Priority:               10
  SD Files Written:       2,120
  SD Bytes Written:       45,798,836 (45.79 MB)
  Rate:                   22899.4 KB/s
  Volume name(s):         DataSpool
  Volume Session Id:      24
  Volume Session Time:    1279293542
  Last Volume Bytes:      2,936,973,312 (2.936 GB)
  SD Errors:              0
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

18-Jul 13:17 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
18-Jul 13:17 ga2-dir JobId 4927: No Jobs found to prune.
18-Jul 13:17 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Begin pruning Jobs.
18-Jul 13:17 ga2-dir JobId 4927: Pruned Files from 1 Jobs for client ga1-srv-fd 
from catalog.
18-Jul 13:17 ga2-dir JobId 4927: End auto prune.

Now bacula choose the right tape but after a couple of job again try to use 
volume from OffsitePool

18-Jul 13:26 ga2-dir JobId 4929: Start Virtual Backup JobId 4929, 
18-Jul 13:26 ga2-dir JobId 4929: Warning: This Job is not an Accurate backup so 
is not equivalent to a Full backup.
18-Jul 13:26 ga2-dir JobId 4929: Bootstrap records written to 
18-Jul 13:26 ga2-dir JobId 4929: Using Device "FileStorage"
18-Jul 13:26 ga-sd JobId 4929: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume 
"MG5755L4" on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
18-Jul 13:27 ga-sd JobId 4929: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 6, drive 
0" command.
18-Jul 13:27 ga-sd JobId 4929: Warning: acquire.c:265 Read acquire: Wrong 
Volume mounted on device "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0): Wanted MG5755L4 have MG5752L4
18-Jul 13:27 ga-sd JobId 4929: Invalid slot=0 defined in catalog for Volume 
"MG5755L4" on "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0). Manual load may be required.
18-Jul 13:27 ga-sd JobId 4929: Please mount Volume "MG5755L4" for:
    Job:          BackupGa1Net.2010-07-17_22.05.00_45
    Storage:      "Drive-1" (/dev/nst0)
    Pool:         WeeklyPoolTape
    Media type:   LTO4

Cordiali Saluti
Alessandro Bono

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