Following pleasingly successful trials of Bacula we are now about to
provide backup sets of tapes to our clients. Tape sets will be composed
of LTO4 tapes with each set comprising of 2-10 TB of data. We have (or
will have) done test retrieves of files off each tape.

We want to provide CDs with each backup set to allow our clients to
retrieve data up to 12 years from now.

We intend to provide the following information on a CD:

    * a list of all the files on each tape
    * a link to the bextract utility, or perhaps a statically linked
      version of the binary and/or the source code
    * a description of the Bacula tape storage format
    * links to Bacula, Bacula's license and so on

I wonder if it would be useful to include bootstrap files for the
information on the tapes. I'm not sure how to make bootstrap files or if
a "Catalog" is a better idea.

I'd be grateful to learn what files people believe would be useful to
put on each tape set's accompanying CD, and what sort of catalogue or
bootstrap file we should include to help retrieve information in future.


Rory Campbell-Lange

The Palm PDK Hot Apps Program offers developers who use the
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