On 23/08/2010 20:16, Bruno Friedmann wrote:
> On 08/23/2010 09:05 PM, Richard Mortimer wrote:
>> On 21/08/2010 00:51, Richard Mortimer wrote:
>>> On 20/08/2010 00:56, Dan Langille wrote:
>>>> On 8/19/2010 11:29 AM, Richard Mortimer wrote:
>>>>> Hi Dan,
>>>>> On 17/08/2010 23:41, Dan Langille wrote:
>>>>>> Would you like to contribute to Bacula? The easiest way is running
>>>>>> regression testing. Run the tests on a daily basis and submit them to
>>>>>> the regression database.
>>>>> I'll run tests on Ubuntu 10.04 (lucid) because I've got a suitable
>>>>> installation available here. I had a quick try at following the
>>>>> instructions but it didn't work. It is probably a setup problem on my
>>>>> part so I'll try again tonight and will follow up on bacula-devel if I
>>>>> still have problems.
>>>> I recommend following up here rather than devel.
>>> I've got sqlite3 working and uploading results to the experimental area.
>>> This worked ok first time.
>>> I tried mysql yesterday (that's what I use for my own backups) and most
>>> tests seem to fail with that. I suspect it is some database problem
>>> because the setup scripts do not seem to be passed the username/password
>>> from the regression test configuration. I'll have a look at what is
>>> wrong when I get a few minutes over the next couple of days.
>> Ok as I suspected it is the database setup/cleanup scripts that are failing. 
>> Nothing is passing the username/password
>> credentials to the appropriate scripts. I suspect it would work for a user 
>> regress with database regress and no db password.
>> In any case I have got it to work by dropping the mysql credentials into a 
>> file named regressmysql.cnf in the toplevel regress
>> directory and then adding --defaults-file=${cwd}/regressmysql.cnf to the 
>> commands that cleanup/tear down the database. I've
>> attached my current changes as a patch file but I'm sure that they need some 
>> work to make it suitable for committing to the git
>> repo.
>> The regressmysql.cnf file is currently hand generated and contains
>> regr...@royalcounty:~/bacula/regress$ cat regressmysql.cnf
>> [client]
>> host     = localhost
>> user     = regress
>> password = passwordgoeshere
>> Regards
>> Richard
>>> Regards
>>> Richard
> Richard, why not using the expect db auth file format
> like a ~regress/.my.cnf or/and regress/.pgpass with exactly the waiting auth 
> scheme by db.
> I think there's no need to patch if you prepare a convenient and complete db 
> setup for your regress user
> (same apply to normal bacula)
Good idea thanks. I'll give that a whirl. That will certainly be a bit 
simpler. If that works I'll whip up a patch for the documentation with 
sample file contents etc. to save others having to search the list archives.



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