On 10/06/10 13:04, Roy Sigurd Karlsbakk wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm working on a Bacula setup, and I have a few questions.
> My plan is to setup one pretty well spec'ed up dedicated director
> (bunch of RAM, mirrored drives and mirrored SSDs for the indices on
> PostgreSQL). This will be placed on a central private network.
> Servers that are to be backuped up, running Linux, Solaris and
> Windows, are spread over three different networks, the local private
> one, one DMZ, and a remote private network. I plan to deploy one SD
> per network with 120TB boxes for the first two and a smaller 10TB box
> for the third one. The storage units will be setup using NexentaCore
> with ZFS, drives distributed in somehow smallish VDEVs to allow for
> multiple drive failure etc.
> Now, I understand only the director needs access to the database, the
> FDs will be contacted by the director, and the SDs will be contacted
> by the respective FDs. On some Linux distros, the SD or FD comes as
> separate pre-built packages, but on some of the other platforms,
> these need to be built from source.
> How can I build only the FD+SD? --enable-client-only seems to only
> build the FD, which isn't suitable for the SDs, and on the SDs I
> don't necessarily have database drivers installed. I tried
> --enable-build-dird=no, but it still complains about the lack of
> database drivers.

--enable-build-dird=no is the correct option to build FD plus SD.  For
safety, you can explicitly specify --enable-build-stored.  The issue
you're running into is that you still need database drivers to build the
SD, because some of the tools that are built with the SD (notably bscan)
may need to connect to the Catalog.

One way you can work around this in a situation such as yours is to
build all the daemons on a machine of the correct architecture and OS
that has the database drivers, then install all the SD machines from
that build.  Sure, tools like bscan that are linked against database
client libraries won't run; but if you're not going to try to use them
anyway, you don't really care about that.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
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