On 10/18/10 07:21, Holikar, Sachin (ext) wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> You hit the bullz eye!!
> I read both the scripts
> make_catalog_backup  & delete_catalog_backup.
> Found that previous admin has modified this script.
> After the statement ,
> mysqldump -u ${2}${MYSQLPASSWORD}${MYSQLHOST} -f --opt $1 
> He is copying the bacula.sql file onto the location where it is currently has 
> grown to 6 GB in size.
> I am not sure why he is doing it ... Any guesses?
> But I guess I can remove this step and simply delete the bacula.sql ( 6 GB) 
> file. 
> Please correct me if I am wrong.

Well, without seeing the script, we're somewhat guessing. Personally, I
keep my catalog dumps around because if something crashes my database,
it's faster to just reload the last database than to do a bscan.
However, I'm currently working on moving to a snapshot-based backup
instead, in which I won't have a dump file at all, and will in fact
simply take filesystem snapshots for my incremental database backups and
keep the most recent snapshot around until the next night's backup has
been completed.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  ala...@caerllewys.net   ala...@metrocast.net   p...@co.ordinate.org
         Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, Free Stater
                 It's not the years, it's the mileage.

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