At the Moment i try to configure a Bacula Backup Server.
When I label a tape with the bconsole i get the following error.:
3999 Device "/dev/tape/by-id/scsi-3500e09e0001af92f-nst" not found or could not 
be opened
I have searched but not found a solution for my problem. 
At the last night I have done a btape fill command succsesfully.

Can anybody give me some hints about this error?

Here are the interesting infos:

Linux Distribution: OpenSuse 11.3

linux-28m5:/opt/bacula/bacula_base/sbin # ps fuax |grep bacula
root     25640  0.0  0.0   9728  
 840 pts/3    S+   09:52  
 0:00  |       \_ grep bacula
root     24317  0.0  0.0  59532  1908 
?        Ssl  Oct28   0:00 
/opt/bacula/bacula_base//sbin/bacula-sd -v -c 
root     24327  0.0  0.0 133516  2044 ?  
      Ssl  Oct28   0:00 
/opt/bacula/bacula_base//sbin/bacula-fd -v -c 
root     24335  0.0  0.0  82016  2904 
?        Ssl  Oct28   0:00 
/opt/bacula/bacula_base//sbin/bacula-dir -v -c 


 Name = sdlt1600
 Address = # Yes bad deccision to use localhost but its for 
testing only.
 SDPort = 9103
 Password = "PASSWORD"
 Device = /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-3500e09e0001af92f-nst
 Media Type = DLT-S4
 Autochanger = no


 Name = sdlt1600
 Media Type = DLT-S4
 Archive Device = /dev/tape/by-id/scsi-3500e09e0001af92f-nst
 RemovableMedia = yes
 RandomAccess = no
 Always Open = no
 Requires Mount = no

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