On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 07:47:58AM -0300, Kleber Leal wrote:
> Please, post your jobs and jobdefs and schedules.
> Have you used Max Full Interval directive?
No i haven´t used this option. But i think i have seen a mistake. I used
a file retention of 30 days in the client definition. Which has
priority? Client def or pool def? But this can´t be the problem, because
the first and initial fullbackup is done on 27.10 and the scheduled on
07.11. So the 30 days were not over.

Here a extract of my config:

Schedule {
        Name = "WeeklyCycle"
        Run = Level=Full 1st sun at 0:30
        Run = Level=Differential 2nd-5th sun at 0:30
        Run = Level=Incremental mon-sat at 0:30

Schedule {
        Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"
        Run = Level=Full 1st sun at 6:30
        Run = Level=Differential 2nd-5th sun at 6:30
        Run = Level=Incremental mon-sat at 6:30

# Default pool definition
 Pool {
       Name = Default
       Pool Type = Backup
       Recycle = yes
       AutoPrune = yes
       Volume Retention = 365 days

Pool {
       Name = Full-Pool
       Pool Type = Backup
       Recycle = yes
       AutoPrune = yes
       File Retention = 3 months
       Volume Retention = 20 days
       Maximum Volume jobs = 216
       Label Format = Inc-
       Maximum Volumes = 7

Pool {
        Name = Diff-Pool
        Pool Type = Backup
        Recycle = yes
        AutoPrune = yes
        File Retention = 40 days
        Volume Retention = 40 days
        Maximum Volume jobs = 36
        Label Format = Diff-
        Maximum Volumes = 10

# Scratch pool definition
 Pool {
        Name = Scratch
        Pool Type = Backup

Client {
        Name = dfs.ewmr.base-fd
        Address = dfs.ewmr.base
        FDPort = 9102
        Catalog = MyCatalog
        Password = "xxxx"
        File Retention = 30 days
        Job Retention = 6 months
        AutoPrune = yes

@"|sed 's/%client-fd/pa.ewmr.base-fd/g;s/%address/pa.ewmr.base/g;'

Job {
        Name = dfs
        Type = Backup
        Client = dfs.ewmr.base-fd
        FileSet = "dfs"
        Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
        Storage = File
        Messages = Standard
        Pool = Default
        Full Backup Pool = Full-Pool
        Incremental Backup Pool = Inc-Pool
        Differential Backup Pool = Diff-Pool
        Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/working/%c.bsr"
        Priority = 10

@"|sed 's/%name/pa/g;s/%client-fd/pa.ewmr.base-fd/g'


Here the two includes from above:

1. default.client.include

Client {
         Name = "%client-fd"
         Address = "%address"
         FDPort = 9102
         Catalog = MyCatalog
         Password = "xxxx"
         File Retention = 30 days
         Job Retention = 6 months
         AutoPrune = yes

2. default.job.include

Job {
        Name = "%name"
        Type = Backup
        Client = "%client-fd"
        FileSet = "domu1"
        Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
        Storage = File
        Messages = Standard
        Pool = Default
        Full Backup Pool = Full-Pool
        Incremental Backup Pool = Inc-Pool
        Differential Backup Pool = Diff-Pool
        Write Bootstrap = "/var/lib/bacula/working/%c.bsr"
        Priority = 10

Hope this helps.

Alex Huth

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