We are having problems getting the Exchange plugin for Bacula working
with our Exchange 2007 server, and would really apreciate any help and
hints to a solution.

Short story:
  Backing up our Exchange server using the Bacula Exchange plugin fails,
the bacula-fd on the exchange server dies after backing up the first of our six
mailbox databases. Standard VSS-enabled backup works, as long as the Exchange
plugin is not included in the FileSet.

Long story:

I suspect the problems we are experiencing may be caused by multiple databases
in multiple stores on the Exchange server, confusing the Bacula Exchange plugin.
So, first a description of our Exchange configuration.

The Exchange server is set up with one Restore Storage Group and two storage
groups, each with three separate databases. So, all in all we have six Mailbox
Databases evenly split across these two Storage Groups. Each database is
around 30GB, making each Storage Group 90GB (180GB total).

The Exchange install path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server,
all database storage is done to S: and all logging is done to L:
(S:\first storage group, S:\second storage group, L:\first storage group,
L:\second storage group). During our initial testing, Circular Logging was
enabled on the Storage Groups, but after noticing int the documentation
that this causes problems with the plugin, all groups now have Circular 
Logging disabled.

We have tested our FileSet with both implicit and explicit inclusion
og the storage groups. First, we tested with:

 Plugin = "exchange:/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store"

Currently, we are testing with the storage groups explicitly listed:

 Plugin = "exchange:/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store/First Storage Group"
 Plugin = "exchange:/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store/Second Storage Group"
When examining the event-log on the Exchange Server, we see that the backup 
with the first database of the storage group:
  MSExchangeIS (148) First Storage Group: Beginning the backup of 
   the file S:\first storage group\Mailbox Database_1\Mailbox database_1.edb
   (size 30512 Mb). 

And this runs to completion on the Exchange side:
  MSExchangeIS (148) First Storage Group: Ending the backup of 
   the file S:\first storage group\Mailbox Database_1\Mailbox database_1.edb. 

But as soon as that is done, the Bacula Exchange plugin apparently dies, and
kills the bacula-fd process along with it. In the Windows Application eventlog:
  MSExchangeIS (148) First Storage Group: The backup has been stopped 
   because it was halted by the client or the connection with the client

On the bacula director:
30-Nov 16:20 exchange-host JobId 23: Generate VSS snapshots. 
  Driver="VSS Win 2003", Drive(s)="LS"
30-Nov 16:21 exchange-host JobId 23: Preparing Exchange Backup for MAIL
30-Nov 16:34 director-host JobId 23: Fatal error: Network error with 
  FD during Backup: ERR=Connection reset by peer
30-Nov 16:34 storage-host JobId 23: Fatal error: append.c:156 
  Error reading data header from FD. ERR=Connection reset by peer
30-Nov 16:34 storage-host JobId 23: Job write elapsed time = 00:14:05, 
  Transfer rate = 40.99 M Bytes/second
30-Nov 16:34 director-host JobId 23: Fatal error: No Job status 
  returned from FD.
  Start time:             30-Nov-2010 16:20:15
  End time:               30-Nov-2010 16:34:21
  SD Bytes Written:       34,639,532,550 (34.63 GB)
  Software Compression:   None
  VSS:                    no
  Encryption:             no
  Accurate:               no
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

As I mentioned in the short story bit, we have a fully working FileSet and Job
backing up this server using VSS, but without the Exchange plugin.
So the problem here seems not to be Bacula Win64, it is seemingly not
a problem with VSS, and we do not believe this is a network/NIC-driver
problem. The problem only occurs when trying to use the Exchange plugin.

Our Bacula Director is running on Debian Lenny, with:
Version: 5.0.2 (28 April 2010) i486-pc-linux-gnu debian 5.0.4

Our Microsoft Exchange system is running Microsoft Exchange 2007
on a Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 Standard x64.

The bacula-fd running on the Exchange server is reported as version
 5.0.3 (04Aug10) Linux,Cross-compile,Win64

Configuration blurbs:
FileSet {
  Name = "Microsoft Exchange 2007"
  Enable VSS = yes
  Include {
    Options {
      Signature = MD5;
#      IgnoreCase = yes; # Tested with and without..
#      Portable = no;    # Tested with and without..
#      Sparse = yes;     # Tested with and without..
      Exclude = yes;
        WildFile = L:/*/E*.log
        WildFile = L:/*/E*.jrs
        WildFile = S:/*/E00.chk
        WildFile = S:/*/tmp.edb
        WildFile = S:/*/CatalogData*/*.*
        WildFile = S:/*/*.edb
    File = "L:/"
    File = "S:/"
    plugin = "exchange:/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store/First Storage 
    plugin = "exchange:/@EXCHANGE/Microsoft Information Store/Second Storage 
Note that we have a separate (working) FileSet backing up all other local
drives on the server..

Job {
  Name = "Exchange backup"
  Type = Backup
  FileSet = "Microsoft Exchange 2007"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Client = exchange-host
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Priority = 11
  ClientRunBeforeJob = "\"C:/Program Files/Bacula/runbeforejob.bat\""
  ClientRunAfterJob = "\"C:/Program Files/Bacula/runafterjob.bat\""

And from bacula-fd.conf on the server:
FileDaemon {
  Name = mail-host
  FDport = 9102
  WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"
  Pid Directory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\working"
  Plugin Directory = "C:\\Program Files\\Bacula\\plugins"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
  FDaddress = ip-address-of-server
  Heartbeat Interval = 3

Jon Langseth, Systems/network administrator, IT-Tjenesten,
Høgskolen i Gjøvik (Gjøvik University College) - http://www.hig.no
Direkte(direct): +47 61135156  Mobil(cell): +47 95102410
IT-Tjenesten:    +47 61135300  Sentralbord: +47 61135100  Fax: +47 61135301

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