On 12/23/2010 9:55 AM, staylor wrote:
> I'm running Bacula 5.0.3 (on Gentoo AMD64) and I'm trying to recover from
> specifying incorrect file and job retention periods in my client
> configuration, but I'm having trouble recovering one full backup job.  I'm
> using bscan to update the catalog from the backup volume; bscan appears to
> complete with no errors, and running "list files jobid=691" in bconsole
> lists all the files from the backup.  However, if I attempt to do a restore
> using bconsole ("restore jobid=691"), I get the dreaded "For one or more of
> the JobIds selected, no files were found, so file selection is not
> possible." message.  I'm somewhat at a loss; the file records are apparently
> in the database and the job hasn't been purged, so I don't understand why
> the restore command is unable to get the file list.
> I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I'm using Postgres as the
> backend database and recently migrated from 8.3.3 to 8.4.4 (using the
> pg_dumpall/psql sequence to migrate the data).  I haven't noticed any
> issues, and apart from this problem (which I reckon is user error but I
> can't figure out where I'm going wrong) Bacula appears to be working fine
> (including being able to list files for other backup jobs which I also had
> to recover using bscan).
> For what it's worth, here's the last bit of output from bscan (I don't see
> any errors in the bscan output; I even ran it once with "-vv" and watched as
> it processed all the files in the backup):
> End Job Session Record:
> JobId             : 691
> VerNum            : 11
> PoolName          : borracho_full
> PoolType          : Backup
> JobName           : borracho backup
> ClientName        : borracho-fd
> Job (unique name) : borracho_backup.2010-07-11_01.00.00_31
> FileSet           : borracho backup
> JobType           : B
> JobLevel          : F
> JobFiles          : 490,068
> JobBytes          : 118,975,605,570
> StartBlock        : 3,028,263,747
> EndBlock          : 3,121,096,503
> StartFile         : 27
> EndFile           : 27
> JobErrors         : 0
> JobStatus         : T
> Date written      : 11-Jul-2010 04:27
> bscan: bscan.c:1033 Fileset "borracho backup" already exists.
> bscan: bscan.c:1154 Updated Job termination record for JobId=691 Level=Full
> TermStat=T
> bscan: bscan.c:1210 11-Jul-2010 04:27
> JobId:                  691
> Job:                    borracho_backup.2010-07-11_01.00.00_31
> FileSet:                borracho backup
> Backup Level:           Full
> Client:                 borracho-fd
> Start time:             11-Jul-2010 01:00
> End time:               11-Jul-2010 04:27
> Files Written:          490,068
> Bytes Written:          118,900,889,803
> Volume Session Id:      57
> Volume Session Time:    1278186984
> Last Volume Bytes:      119,018,831,222
> Termination:            Backup OK
> bscan: bscan.c:1246 Created JobMedia record JobId 691, MediaId 57
> 16-Dec 10:13 bscan JobId 0: End of Volume at file 27 on device "vchanger0-0"
> (/var/lib/bacula/vchanger0/0/drive0), Volume "vchanger0_0001_0057"
> bscan: bscan.c:337-0 ========== JobId=0 ========
> bscan: bscan.c:966 Updated Media record at end of Volume:
> vchanger0_0001_0057
> 16-Dec 10:13 bscan JobId 0: End of all volumes.
> End of physical tape.
> bscan: bscan.c:966 Updated Media record at end of Volume:
> vchanger0_0001_0057
> bscan: bscan.c:637 End of all Volumes. VolFiles=27 VolBlocks=0
> VolBytes=119,018,831,222
> Records added or updated in the catalog:
>        1 Media
>        1 Pool
>        1 Job
>   490068 File
> Here's what "list files jobid=691" says about the job (I won't paste in the
> list of 490K files):
> +-------+-----------------+---------------------+------+-------+----------+-----------------+-----------+
> | jobid | name            | starttime           | type | level | jobfiles |
> jobbytes        | jobstatus |
> +-------+-----------------+---------------------+------+-------+----------+-----------------+-----------+
> |   691 | borracho backup | 2010-07-11 01:00:00 | B    | F     |  490,068 |
> 118,975,605,570 | T         |
> +-------+-----------------+---------------------+------+-------+----------+-----------------+-----------+
> Thanks for any help anyone can provide, and please let me know if I need to
> provide more information.  The quick fix is just to run another full backup
> on the system and forget about it, but I'm trying to use this as an
> opportunity to learn more about Bacula and how to cope when things go wrong.

I googled the message you supplied.  I found:


Does that help/apply to you?

Dan Langille - http://langille.org/

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