I believe the error is in the file that you had previously commented out 
(as I suspect you also believe).  Below I've snipped what I think is the 
problematic line in the pc-agenda_full.conf file:

On 12/27/2010 12:00 PM, der_Angler wrote:
> pc-agenda_full.conf
> FileSet {
>          Name = "pc-agenda Full"
>          Enable VSS = yes
>          Include {
>            Options {
>              signature = MD5
>            }
>            File = "C:\"
>          }
> }
The problem is that the parser interprets "C:\" as a string consisting 
of a 'C', a ':' and a '"'--because you've backslash escaped the quote.  
I believe that you will find an easier solution is to use a '/' instead 
of a '\', although doubling the '\' character may also work.  In other 
words try this:
         File = "C:/"
instead of:
         File = "C:\"

If this doesn't work (and I believe it will, as that is how I have my 
windows clients configured), you might also be able to use:
         File = "C:\\"
But I haven't tried this.

You may also find that the "Ignore Case = yes" option is useful on 
windows--though admittedly it may only come into play if you specify 
files or directories to either include or exclude.

Hope this helps,


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