
No sense of entitlement here. I like to run things and then figure them out. If there is nothing available then I'll pick through the docs until I get it, eventually. As for lecturing me about what a web hosting company is supposed to do, save your breath, been hosting a long time and never put anything into production that is not fully tested,
understood, and tweaked!

PS - Most software that I test has a full run-through in the quick start, including a list of critical items which may need to be tweaked so that the main challenge becomes compilation and then integration. Software that challenges on initial configuration should be questioned (yes, question the software) for its sense of "entitlement"! And please don't say because it is free or open source that it should be that way, I have been building Apache since it had no run through and well know the difference, I prefer open source to every thing else I have encountered out there, especially on the
server side!

Be well,

On 1/17/2011 4:12 PM, Mark wrote:

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 5:46 PM, Randy Katz < <>> wrote:

    Dan, I said I compiled and installed the program but had not done
    configuration, implies
    I had some exposure to some docs somewhere.

    If you care to help here is
    a reply to a
    guy that gave me an off-list reply of sorts, as of yet I have not
    received what he spoke about
    which might prove to be partially helpful

Randy, you're sort of coming across as though you feel a sense of entitlement, "I built Bacula from source but I don't feel like reading documentation or putting the slightest bit of effort into this, so someone give me a cookie-cutter setup". That may well just be due to the nature of email as a communications medium, so don't take offense to that unless that's really how you mean it.

Backups are probably not the best item to take shortcuts with (especially at a hosting company!), and you can spend one afternoon with the excellent documentation and have all the understanding you need to get Bacula up and running in your environment, in a way that suits your needs. Can you make some time for the documentation? You'll be far better protected than if you just throw in some configurations that you don't understand and start running it. I guarantee the list it helpful when you show up and ask an informed question that shows you've done at least a bit of homework.

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