--On Thursday, January 20, 2011 09:27:37 PM -0500 Dan Langille
<d...@langille.org> wrote:

> On 1/17/2011 4:27 PM, Devin Reade wrote:
>> Eh?  Have I missed some important point about using MySQL for Bacula's
>> catalog, or is this just the author's prejudices speaking?
> As the author of the above, and of the PostgreSQL module for Bacula, I
> admit that I am completely and utterly biased.

I should say that when I wrote that, there was no offense intended;
it was strictly meant as a technical question as the statement was 
made without justification.  I realized after posting it that the
emotional index of "prejudice" is probably a bit high.  "Bias" is a
much nicer word, but didn't come to mind at the time :)

> It is clearly a religious issue.

Ok; I thought it might be, although I read others' responses with
interest as well.

I would, however, recommend that if there is indeed an advantage
to Bacula of using one DB over another, that it might be worth 
mentioning in the installation manual.  It sounds like they're close
enough that the deciding factors would be legacy infrastructure and
operators' experience, however those two being equal it would be
good to know (especially for new users) any other relative advantages.
Maybe this just means linking to the page Rory mentioned, or the
comment (assuming that it's valid) that primary development is
on Postgres.  I'm not going to submit a documentation patch, though,
because having used only one DB type for bacula I don't consider 
myself qualified to write a comparison.

Of course, if there is no significant advantage, you can just ignore
that whole last paragraph :)

I do appreciate all the work that you (and others) have put into bacula,
including the informative and timely answers on this list.


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