Il 16/02/2011 20:44, Mike Hendrie ha scritto:
> *Server: *Ubuntu 10.10
> *File Backup Location: */bacula/backups
> *Local Server Backup:* worked!
> ---
> *Client:* XP
> *bconsole Status to client:* good
> ---
> *Question:*
> Running a Windows XP client backup to File. When I start the job via
> bconsole it said it started. When I look on the Windows XP client bacula
> says it is running.
> However, nothing is happening. why?
> ====================================================================
>                 -*Troubleshooting Information*-
> *Bconsole Storage Status:* Nothing there on the Windows Job
> *Bconsole Client Status:*
> JobID 15 Job il93mdec-fd.2011-02-16_07.18.11_03 is running
> Full System or Console Job started: 16-Feb-11 13:38
> FIles=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 Errors=0
> Files Examined=0
> SDSocket closed.
> ==== FileSet Using for Windows ===
> FileSet {
>    Name ="Windows Workstations Set"
>     Include {
>      Options {
>        exclude = yes
>        ignore case = yes
>        wildfile ="*.bak"
>         wildfile ="*.tmp"
>         wildfile ="*.lnk"
>         wildfile ="*.exe"
>         wildfile ="*.cab"
>         wildfile ="*.msi"
>         WildDir ="c:/Documents and Settings/*/My Documents/My Pictures"
>         WildDir ="c:/Documents and Settings/*/My Documents/My Music"
>         WildDir ="c:/Documents and Settings/*/My Documents/My Videos"
>         WildDir ="c:/Documents and Settings/*/My Documents/My Downloads"
>         WildDir ="c:/Documents and Settings/*/My Documents/My Games"
>       }
>      Options {
>        signature = MD5
>        compression=GZIP
>        noatime = yes
>        checkfilechanges = yes
>        ignore case = yes
>        DriveType = fixed
>        @/etc/bacula/fileset/windows_user_backup_places
>      }
>      Options {
>        exclude = yes
>        ignore case = yes
>        Wild ="c:/Documents and Settings/*"
>       }
>   #    Exclude Dir Containing =".svn"      # doesn't work
>      File ="c:/Documents and Settings"
>     }
>    Exclude {
>        File ="c:/Documents and Settings/All Users"
>         File ="c:/Documents and Settings/Administrador"
>         File ="c:/Documents and Settings/Default User"
>         File ="c:/Documents and Settings/LocalService"
>         File ="c:/Documents and Settings/NetworkService"
>     }
>   }
> Thanks
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Try "estimate listing" command in bconsole to see what files are 
selected by the fileset.

echo "estimate listing job=FileServerTape" | bconsole | less

Of course you should substitute FileServerTape with the actual name of 
your job.


Marcello Romani

The ultimate all-in-one performance toolkit: Intel(R) Parallel Studio XE:
Pinpoint memory and threading errors before they happen.
Find and fix more than 250 security defects in the development cycle.
Locate bottlenecks in serial and parallel code that limit performance.
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