Dan Langille wrote:
> On 2/21/2011 10:20 AM, Christian Manal wrote:
>> Am 21.02.2011 15:52, schrieb Dan Langille:
>>> The values for the type field in the job table are defined here:
>>> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/developers/developers/Database_Tables.html
>>> Look for 'The Job Type (or simply Type) can have one of the
>>> following
>>> values: '
>>> However, in my job table, I'm seeing two values not listed:
>>> bacula=# select distinct(type) from job order by 1;
>>>    type
>>> ------
>>>    B
>>>    C
>>>    M
>>>    R
>>>    V
>>>    c
>>>    g
>>> (7 rows)
>>> bacula=#
>>> Specifically, 'c' and 'g',
>>> Any ideas about that?
>>> For what it's worth, I have just one job of type 'g'.
>>> And all my jobs of type 'c' appear to be Copy jobs.
>> Hi,
>> I think the Wiki has a list that is a bit more up to date:
>> http://wiki.bacula.org/doku.php?id=faq#what_do_all_those_job_status_codes_mean
> I'm glad all the work is being recorded on the wiki.  When I get my
> documentation hat on, the docs will be updated.

In a more sensible database design, there would be a "job_status"
table, which defined all these values and mapped status to
descriptive name, which would then be a parent lookup table to any
others that needed to refer to job status, so they wouldn't even
need documenting separately!
Mike Holden

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