On 28/02/11, Dene Stringfellow (supp...@ridgedale.co.uk) wrote:
> Thank you for your feedback.
> I now have the following bacula modules on my server:
> ii  bacula                             5.0.2-2.2
> ii  bacula-client                      5.0.2-2.2
> ii  bacula-common                      5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-common-mysql                5.0.2-2.2+b1
> rc  bacula-common-sqlite3              5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-console                     5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-director-common             5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-director-mysql              5.0.2-2.2+b1
> rc  bacula-director-sqlite3            5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-doc                         5.0.2-1
> ii  bacula-fd                          5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-sd                          5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-sd-mysql                    5.0.2-2.2+b1
> ii  bacula-server                      5.0.2-2.2
> ii  bacula-traymonitor                 5.0.2-2.2+b1
> I already have other MySQL databases running so I really want to try
> to get Bacula working with MySQL.
> Can I ask, though, are there advantages in running Postgresql as
> opposed to MySQL? If so, what do you perceive them to be?

Hi Dene

If you are already running MySQL on the server and you are familiar with
administering it, that is probably the best RDMS to use.

Choosing one over the other is the subject of many flamewars. There are
some notes here: http://www.wikivs.com/wiki/MySQL_vs_PostgreSQL and

We use Postgresql for a number of large web applications and we have
found it very robust and easily upgradeable over several versions. We
also make extensive use of stored procedures.


Rory Campbell-Lange

Campbell-Lange Workshop
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