On 03/01/11 14:56, Maria Mckinley wrote:
> Thanks for your help. Debian did replace my config files, and I put them 
> back. The password/username is the same in my config as the ones I 
> entered into MySQL. I think it is connecting, but looking for a table 
> that doesn't exist? Is it possible it would give me the connection error 
> if it connected but didn't find the database it was looking for?

No, that would result in a different error message.

> Unfortunately my MySQL skills are pretty low, but it seems that somehow 
> the bacula database name changed?

You've proved that you can connect to your DB server and that the Bacula
DB is present.  There was never any such table as 'bacula.MyCatalog'.
It never existed.  'MyCatalog' is a shorthand name user in your Bacula
configuration, and ONLY there, to identify the catalog DB resource that
Bacula is to use.  You could perfectly easily name the Catalog resource
'BigCollectionOfBaculaData', or even 'Fred', and it would not change
anything in the DB.  The Bacula catalog db will always be created as
'bacula' and containing the tables you see.

> What name do I put in to the config 
> file to see if it can connect if it has a table to connect to? Iow, is 
> one of those tables above something that bacula could connect to and 
> understand? It almost seems to be that what was once called 
> bacula.MyCatalog is now just called bacula?

There is not, and never was, any 'bacula.MyCatalog' table.  That is a
mistaken idea; stop letting it distract you.  You do not have a missing
table.  You have a connection/authentication problem.

Try this:

Connect to your Bacula DB as your administrative user (probably root)
and change the password for Bacula, as follows:

UPDATE mysql.user SET password=PASSWORD('your new password here') WHERE

Then update your Bacula director config file and put the exact same new
catalog password in there, then restart Bacula and see if that solves
the problem.  It should.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  ala...@caerllewys.net   ala...@metrocast.net   p...@co.ordinate.org
  Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, SQL wrangler, Free Stater
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