On 03/18/2011 05:29 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> If you *don't* at some point have two full backups on hand, then you
> don't have a robust backup solution, because it means you deleted your
> old full backup before the new one completed, and that in turn means
> there is a window - however brief - during which you do not have a full
> backup available to restore from.

I thought about something like rdiff-backup. Every time I do backup, it 
creates a bunch of diffs. Every week I could run something like this:

rdiff-backup --remove-older-than 1W host.net::/remote-dir

and it would delete diffs older then one week. This would keep one copy 
of data and one week of changes. However, I have to script it by myself, 
whereas bacula comes with nice console, automation etc. Is it possible 
to make bacula behave similarly?

Miłosz Kosobucki

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