Dear bacula users,

I am running bacula 5.0.3 (x64). Recently my system started to crash the 
director when starting copy jobs. The copy job is defined as 

Job {
  Name = "CopyIncr"
  Type = Copy
  Messages = TapeCopy
  Pool = Incr
  Selection Type = PoolUncopiedJobs
  Priority = 10
  Schedule = Weekdays
  Max Start Delay = 43200       # wait max 12 hours
  Allow Duplicate Jobs = yes
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1

  Level = Full
  Client = bacula
  FileSet = "client files-to-backup"

It should copy all uncopied jobs from pool Incr to a tape pool.

Running the jobs results in:
bacula:~ # /usr/sbin/bacula-dir -c /etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf -f -r CopyIncr
Bacula interrupted by signal 11: Segmentation violation
Kaboom! bacula-dir, bacula-dir got signal 11 - Segmentation violation. 
Attempting traceback.
Kaboom! exepath=/usr/sbin/
Calling: /usr/sbin/btraceback /usr/sbin/bacula-dir 30846 /var/bacula
It looks like the traceback worked ...
Dumping: /var/bacula/bacula-dir.30846.bactrace

The bactrace can be loaded here:

Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Kind regards
Christoph Litauer
Uni Koblenz, Computing Centre, Office A 022    
Postfach 201602, 56016 Koblenz     
Fon: +49 261 287-1311, Fax: -100 1311

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