I'm trying to emulate a FileSet example from the manual:

Specifically, this example:
An alternative would be to include the two subdirectories desired and exclude 
everything else:

FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set"
  Include {
     Options {
        wilddir = "/home/a*"
        wilddir = "/home/b*"
     Options {
        RegexDir = ".*"
        exclude = yes
     File = /home

I'm Using Bacula 5.0.3 server & clients. At this point, I'm trying to just back 
up the etc directories of multiple jails in /usr/jails on a FreeBSD Bacula 
The Bacula server's director config looks like:
FileSet {
  Name = "FreeBSDConfigs"
  Include {
    Options {
       signature = MD5
#       RegexDir = "/usr/jails/[^/]*/etc$"
#       RegexDir = "/usr/jails/[^/]*/usr/local/etc$"
       WildDir = "/usr/jails/voip/etc"
    Options {
      RegexDir = ".*"
      exclude = yes
    File = /usr/jails


I've tried variations on the included files. None seem to work, not even 
specifying a particular directory in the WildDir command – everything is 

Sample bconsole output:
mrp:~ tehfink$ bconsole 
Connecting to Director backup.macarch.office:9101
1000 OK: backup.macarch.office-dir Version: 5.0.3 (04 August 2010)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
*estimate job="router.macarch.office-config" listing
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Connecting to Client router.macarch.office-fd at router.macarch.office:9102
drwxr-xr-x  10 root     wheel             10 2011-03-18 23:25:57  /usr/jails
2000 OK estimate files=1 bytes=0

However, output from bregex and bwild indicate that the RegexDir & WildDir 
commands should work:
mrp:~ tehfink$ bregex -f filetree.txt 
Enter regex pattern: /usr/jails/[^/]*/etc$
151648: /usr/jails/proxy/etc
451816: /usr/jails/voip/etc
452183: /usr/jails/newjail/etc
627291: /usr/jails/dns/etc
629333: /usr/jails/db/etc
Enter regex pattern: /usr/jails/[^/]*/usr/local/etc$
144299: /usr/jails/proxy/usr/local/etc
306312: /usr/jails/voip/usr/local/etc
484921: /usr/jails/dns/usr/local/etc
629770: /usr/jails/db/usr/local/etc
mrp:~ tehfink$ bwild -f filetree.txt 
Enter a wild-card: /usr/jails/voip/etc
451816: /usr/jails/voip/etc

If I remove the `RegexDir = ".*"` command, all files & directories in 
/usr/jails are listed for backup.

My FileSet setup seems almost exactly like the example from the manual. What am 
I missing/doing wrong? Apologies if this is a dumb question; I'm a bacula noob. 
And TIA for help!

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