Le 12/05/2011 15:17, Dan Schaefer a écrit :
> As indicated in the following excerpt from the Bacula Manual, the list
> of included files can be contained in a separate file. I would like to
> do the same with files to be excluded. Is this not possible using the
> same method?
> "Any file-list item preceded by a less-than sign () will be taken to be
> a file. This file will be read on the Director's machine (see below for
> doing it on the Client machine) at the time the Job starts, and the data
> will be assumed to be a list of directories or files, one per line, to
> be included. The names should start in column 1 and should not be quoted
> even if they contain spaces. This feature allows you to modify the
> external file and change what will be saved without stopping and
> restarting Bacula as would be necessary if using the @ modifier noted
> above. For example:
> Include {
>     Options { signature = SHA1 }
>     File = "</home/files/local-filelist"
> }"
> I tried the following with no avail:
> Exclude {
>       File = "</home/files/local-excludelist"
> }

Something you could do is: @/etc/bacula/exclude.list

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