Il 26/05/2011 09:51, J. Echter ha scritto:
> Am 26.05.2011 09:23, schrieb Marcello Romani:
>> Hi,
>>        I'd like to share a tip about shutting down a windows client after
>> its backuò job has finished.
>> Nothing spectacular, but I guessed somebody would find it useful.
>> 1) Create a batch file with a suitable name, e.g. C:\shutdown.bat
>> 2) Put this single line in it:
>> shutdown -s -t 0
>> which simply means halt the system (-s) and do it now (-t 0).
>> Then in bacula-dir.conf on the host where bacula director runs, edit the
>> job resource of the windows client and add this line:
>> ClientRunAfterJob = "C:/shutdown.bat"
>> The client machine whill shutdown immediataly after the backup job has
>> finished.
>> Disclaimer: I haven't tested this with unsaved documents open...
>> HTH
> also you can start and stop services with net stop and net start.
> cheers.
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Thank you for reminding me that useful bit.

Marcello Romani

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