>>>>> On Fri, 27 May 2011 10:55:37 +0200, Mark Maas said:
> I'm pulling some hair trying to find a way to only backup the Documents
> folder in everyone's /home directory. I.e. "/home/*/Documents".
> So I created the following fileset:
> FileSet {
>   Name = home
>   Include {
>     File = "/home"
>     Options {
>         compression=GZIP
>         onefs=yes
>         #signature=MD5
>         sparse=yes
>         WildDir = "/home/*/Documents"
>     }
>     Options {
>         Exclude = yes
>         Wild = "/home/*"
>   }
> }
> But it, wont work.... It still tries to do all directories recursively
> under /home.

Are you sure?  I would expect that fileset to back up only /home and nothing

> The Documentation
> http://www.bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Configuring_Director.html#SECTION001870000000000000000
> contains this exact example but as a windows fileset.

Do you mean the AllPictures example?  If so, you've lost most of the critical
parts of it so I suggest you go back to the example to understand how it


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