Hello Bacula Users,

I'm trying to test the Verify Job but, how I could understand, I have to
create another catalog just for verifications, but I'm not getting do this.
I have installed Bacula on Debian through the aptitude with PostGre. Now I
dont know how create this catalog. I've tried create a db called "verify"
and configured the Director:

Catalog {
  Name = Verification
  dbname = verify; DB Address = ""; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = "###"

...so, I cannot even connect at the Director via console.

What I need to do to use this Verify Job.

Another thing...this type of Job is just to verify a group of file that
don't must change often. But, how about backup consistency checking, bacula
do this implicitly or I need do additional settings for this.

Thanks in advance.

Rickifer Barros.
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