Il 07/06/2011 18:35, Tim Gustafson ha scritto:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if there is any documentation anywhere on the protocol that 
> bconsole uses to connect to the director and issue commands?
> I've built a web interface to the Bacula configuration files, and I would 
> like to add the ability to reload the configuration and/or start or cancel 
> jobs from that web interface as well.
> If it's not well documented, I'll just tcpdump the connection between 
> bconsole and the director itself and try to reverse-engineer it, but I was 
> hoping that it was actually documented somewhere.
> BTW: I don't need comments about re-inventing the wheel - I know there are 
> other web-based Bacula tools out there; I built this one with specific 
> organizational needs in mind.  All I want to know is if the protocol between 
> bconsole and the director is documented somewhere.  I did find some 
> documentation on the protocols for director-fd, direcdtor-sd and fd-sd, but 
> nothing about bconsole-director.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Tim Gustafson                                      
> Baskin School of Engineering                                     831-459-5354
> UC Santa Cruz                                         Baskin Engineering 317B
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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I may sound silly, but have you tried looking at the source code ?

Marcello Romani

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