On Wed, Jul 06, 2011 at 10:09:56AM -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> should I use for my tables?" is MyISAM.[1]  At this point, wherever
> possible, EVERYONE should be using InnoDB.

I will, if the current backup ever finishes. For a start on MySQL 5.1
though (Debian squeeze). I am aware InnoDB has a more stable performance
according to the posts I have found in various bacula-mysql related
posts. Your post gives me some hope I can get away with converting the
table format instead of migrating to postgres. Simple for the fact I
have nicer backup scripts for mysql than for postgres.

> your MySQL configuration using MySQLtuner (free download from
> http://mysqltuner.com/mysqltuner.pl; requires Perl, DBI.pm, and DBD::mysql.)

I am using that one and tuning-primer.sh from http://www.day32.com/MySQL/

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