On Mon, 8 Aug 2011 13:46:17 -0300
Juan Pablo Lorier <jplor...@montecarlotv.com.uy> wrote:

> This is the second time I ask (as the first was nobody answered). I
> accidentally purged/pruned (by autorecycling the tape) the tape. I'm
> now trying to recover it to the database with bscan but the job
> appears as "finished with errors". I followed the "utility manual"
> instructions but still can't get the job to stay in the database as
> correct. This is the output of bscan: 
> #bscan -m -v -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf -V Peliculas0001 /dev/nst0
> bscan: butil.c:281 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for reading.
> 08-ago 08:49 bscan JobId 0: Ready to read from volume "Peliculas0001"
> on device "LTO-5" (/dev/nst0). bscan: bscan.c:308 Using Database:
> bacula, User: bacula bscan: bscan.c:450 Pool record for Peliculas
> found in DB. bscan: bscan.c:464 Pool type "Backup" is OK.
> bscan: bscan.c:474 Media record for Peliculas0001 found in DB.
> bscan: bscan.c:492 Media type "LTO-5" is OK.
> bscan: bscan.c:502 VOL_LABEL: OK for Volume: Peliculas0001
> bscan: bscan.c:526 SOS_LABEL: Job record not found for JobId: 0

Isn't that the same problem as the one recently discussed in [1]?
Just a guess though...

1. http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=27905030

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