On 8/8/2011 1:51 PM, Adrian Reyer wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> I am pretty sure I have all the possible Max Concurrent jobs set.
> They are set in
>    - Director (50)
>    - JobDefaults that are included everywhere (100)
>    - Clients (default, but I only want 1 job/client)
>    - Storage (100 for files, 4 for my tape drive, all with spooled data)
> On Mon, Aug 08, 2011 at 12:16:19AM -0700, Eric Pratt wrote:
>> I also thought about the different methods of migrating the data, but
>> decided it wasn't worth doing.  I have vchanger auto-create the new
>> volumes with initmag.  I then use Bacula's 'label barcodes' command to
>> bulk label the empty volumes vchanger created.  I tell the existing
>> Bacula job to start using the new autochanger device but I keep the
>> old volumes on disk until their files and jobs expire.  When they do
>> expire, I then remove the old volumes from disk and use 'delete
>> volume' in Bacula.  Once you've done that for all old volumes, you're
>> completely migrated to vchanger.
> I know this would be the easiest way to do it. Unfortunately the used
> data is ~12TB on file storage and I have only 500GB left and due to the
> 'missing' concurrent jobs I am unable to migrate some data to tape
> during the day to get more space to finally start a decent file pool.
> Just running round in circles.

You should be able to use Bacula's migration feature to move jobs on an 
old volume to a new volume on the vchanger autochanger. Check the 
Migration and Copy chapter of the Bacula Main Reference. This will 
require a new pool for the vchanger volumes. Volumes in the old pool 
will be moved to vcahnger volumes in a new/different pool. Once a volume 
is successfully migrated to the new volume, the old volume can be 
deleted and its space reclaimed. In other words, it is the same as 
migrating a disk volume to a tape volume. After all of the volumes are 
migrated, then change the client Jobs to use the new pool and vchanger 

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