>>>>> On Wed, 10 Aug 2011 16:40:40 +0200, Bartosz Cisek said:
> W dniu 10.08.2011 15:07, Martin Simmons pisze:
> Thanks for reply :)
> > It is unclear what went wrong.
> > 
> > The llist command will give a little more information:
> > 
> > llist jobmedia jobid=8228320
> bconsole> llist jobmedia jobid=8228320
> Automatically selected Catalog: catalog
> Using Catalog "catalog"
>  JobMediaId: 6,721,875
>       JobId: 8,228,320
>     MediaId: 3,348
>  VolumeName: bacula-vtape-backup-000204
>  FirstIndex: 1
>   LastIndex: 1
>   StartFile: 0
>     EndFile: 0
>  StartBlock: 258,294
>    EndBlock: 307,813
>  JobMediaId: 6,721,874
>       JobId: 8,228,320
>     MediaId: 3,399
>  VolumeName: bacula-vtape-backup-000255
>  FirstIndex: 1
>   LastIndex: 1
>   StartFile: 1
>     EndFile: 0
>  StartBlock: 4,294,788,096
>    EndBlock: 0
>            JobId: 8,228,320
>              Job: job-db-mails5-mysql-bin-logs.2011-08-07_06.03.02_57
>             Name: job-db-mails5-mysql-bin-logs
>      PurgedFiles: 0
>             Type: B
>            Level: I
>         ClientId: 122
>             Name: fd-db-mails5
>        JobStatus: T
>        SchedTime: 2011-08-07 06:03:02
>        StartTime: 2011-08-07 06:03:48
>          EndTime: 2011-08-07 06:04:15
>      RealEndTime: 2011-08-07 06:04:15
>         JobTDate: 1,312,689,855
>     VolSessionId: 958,674
>   VolSessionTime: 1,305,911,228
>         JobFiles: 1
>        JobErrors: 0
>  JobMissingFiles: 0
>           PoolId: 11
>         PooLname: pool-vtape-backup-daily
>       PriorJobId: 0
>        FileSetId: 14
>          FileSet: fs-mysql-bin-logs

OK, that looks normal I think.

> > You could also try running the bacula-fd at debug level 200 and
> > collect the output.
> I set debug level to 200 (with setdebug command) and told bacula-fd
> client to send back to director all messages, but nothing new arrived.

The debug messages are either written to stderr or to the trace file.

Add trace=1 to the setdebug command and look for the bacula-fd.trace file in
the working directory.


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