
I'm trying to copy jobs from one server to another.
I defined 2 storage daemons:

# Definition of file storage device
Storage {
  Name = "File"
Address = tucana.domain # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "password1"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
  Device = FileStorage
  Media Type = File

Storage {
  Name = "File-Copy"
  Address = carina.domain
  SDPort = 9103
  Password = "password2"
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5
  Device = FileStorage
  Media Type = File

I defined 2 pools:

# File Pool definition
Pool {
  Name = File
  Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  LabelFormat = "Vol"
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 35 days          # one month
Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 100               # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
  RecyclePool = Scratch
  NextPool = File-Copy

# File Pool definition
Pool {
  Name = File-Copy
  Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes
  LabelFormat = "Copy"
  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes
  Volume Retention = 35 days          # one month
Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G # Limit Volume size to something reasonable
  Maximum Volumes = 80                # Limit number of Volumes in Pool
  Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
  Storage = "File-Copy"

Then, I created a job:
Job {
  Name = "CopyJob"
  Type = Copy
  Level = Full
  Client = tucana-fd
  FileSet = "Full Set"
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = File
  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
  Storage = "File"
  Selection Type = Client
  SelectionPattern = tucana-fd

When I run it, I have the following director status:

Running Jobs:
Console connected at 15-août011 14:34
Console connected at 15-août011 17:53
 JobId Level   Name                       Status
 25044 Full    CopyJob.2011-08-15_17.47.16_39 is waiting on max Client jobs
25045 Full CopyJob.2011-08-15_17.47.16_40 is waiting on Storage File-Copy 25046 Increme Backup_tucana.2011-08-15_17.47.16_41 is waiting on Storage File
 25047 Full    CopyJob.2011-08-15_17.47.16_42 is waiting on max Client jobs

In this link: http://www.bacula.org/manuals/en/concepts/concepts/Migration_Copy.html It's written that "Migration is only implemented for a single Storage daemon. You cannot read on one Storage daemon and write on another."

Is this sentence still true ?
Can you confirm I'm concerned by this limitation ?

Best regards.
Jerome Blion.
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