
On Thu, 01 Sep 2011, Eric Pratt wrote:

> The incremental will run, but it shouldn't back anything up if nothing
> changed since the last time the job ran.  When it runs, it looks to
> see if anything changed and if not, exits with OK. There is no
> redundancy there.  Check the byte count of the job or list the files
> backed up by the job to see if it actually moved anything.  If the
> byte count is 0 and/or there are no files in it, then it's working
> exactly as you expect.

This should be right, assuming your data isn't changing much around the
time of the backups.

If you absolutely must only run the one live backup per day, you could
consider turning on the "accurate" backup option and using something more

   Run = Level=VirtualFull Pool="Full-Pool Developer-PC" on 1,16 at 5:05
   Run = Level=Differential Pool="Diff-Pool Developer-PC" sun at 0:15
   Run = Level=Incremental Pool="Inc-Pool Developer-PC" mon-sat at 0:15 

This will run live differential and incremental backups on the days you
specify , but rather than running a Full backup on the live data, it uses
the existing backup data to consolidate the last full backup and the recent
differentials and incrementals into a new Full backup.  As the live server
isn't involved, you can probably be flexible about what time that happens.
This also reduces the load and backup window on the live server in most

This should be pretty much equivalent to running a full backup at 0:15 on
the 1st and 16th.

This is pretty easy to do with disk-based backups, but you may need to
think a little if you're using tapes, to make sure all of the right tapes
are available.


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