Op 20110926 om 17:24 schreef JJ:
> Hello Bacula Community:
> I have an Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server that has bacula 5.0.1 (dir, sd, and fd 
> daemons) installed and
> an Ubuntu 8.04 LTS host that has Version: 2.2.8-5ubuntu7 (fd daemon) 
> installed, both from the REPOs.
> I am having an issue getting the director on 10 to communicate to the fd
> on 8 with this error using bconsole > status client:
> Fatal error: Unable to authenticate with File daemon at 
> "". Possible causes:
> Passwords or names not the same or
> Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the FD or
> FD networking messed up (restart daemon).
> Please see 
> http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html#SECTION003760000000000000000
> for help.
> I can telnet successfully from the 10 host to the 8 client on the 9102 
> port and the password is definitely correct.
> I did a trace using "/usr/sbin/bacula-fd -d100 -c 
> /etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf" on the fd host and received this output when 
> connecting from the director...
> bacula-fd: filed_conf.c:438-0 Inserting director res: bacula-director-mon
> bacula-director-fd: jcr.c:132-0 read_last_jobs seek to 188
> bacula-director-fd: jcr.c:139-0 Read num_items=10
> bacula-director-fd: pythonlib.c:113-0 No script dir. prog=FDStartUp
> root@bacula-director:/etc/bacula# bacula-director-fd: filed.c:225-0 
> filed: listening on port 9102
> bacula-director-fd: bnet_server.c:96-0 Addresses 
> host[ipv4:]
> bacula-director-fd: bnet.c:667-0 who=client host= port=36387
> bacula-director-fd: jcr.c:603-0 OnEntry JobStatus=bacula-director-fd: 
> jcr.c:623-0 OnExit JobStatus=C set=C
> bacula-director-fd: find.c:81-0 init_find_files ff=80a2968
> bacula-director-fd: job.c:233-0 <dird: Hello Director bacula10-dir calling
> bacula-director-fd: job.c:249-0 Executing Hello command.
> bacula-director-fd: job.c:252-0 Quit command loop. Canceled=0
> bacula-director-fd: pythonlib.c:237-0 No startup module.
> bacula-director-fd: job.c:337-0 Calling term_find_files
> bacula-director-fd: job.c:340-0 Done with term_find_files
> bacula-director-fd: job.c:342-0 Done with free_jcr
> So my question is, is there any known issues using a 5.0.1 director
> communicating with a lower versioned client?

AFAIK can a 5.x director talk with 3.X and above file-deamons,
the gap between 2.x and 5.x is too big.

> Should I build the fd client from source?

According https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bacula
is there nothing between 2.4.2 and 5.0.1

> Is there anything else I can check?
> Thank you for your time.

Geert Stappers

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