James Harper schrieb:
> Is there a way to make bacula write multiple spool files per job? Two
> would do. What I'm seeing is that 4 jobs start, all hit their spool
> limit around the same time, then all wait in a queue until the file is
> despooled. The despool happens fairly quickly (much quicker than the
> spooling due to network and server fd throughput) so it isn't a huge
> problem, but it would be better if the sd could just switch over to
> another spool file when despooling starts so that the backup can
> continue uninterrupted.
> I'm spooling to internal RAID, then despooling to external USB. While
> spooling isn't really advised when the backup target is a disk, doing it
> this way means I can run multiple jobs at once without causing
> interleaving in the backup file (single sd volume) or severe filesystem
> fragmentation (if one sd volume per job). Internal RAID writes at
> ~100MB/second while the USB disk writes at ~30MB/second so it turns out
> to be a pretty effective way to do what I want except that despooling is
> causing a bottleneck.
> Any suggestions?

No, this has been on the feature requests list for a while now.
Spooling nearly doubles my time for large backups. 


Item 10: Concurrent spooling and despooling within a single job.


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