On 11,Oct 2011, at 1:53 AM, Christian Manal wrote:

> Am 10.10.2011 21:11, schrieb Troy Kocher:
>> On 10,Oct 2011, at 1:12 PM, Martin Simmons wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 10 Oct 2011 11:51:14 -0500, Troy Kocher said:
>>>> 08-Oct 23:57 kfoobarb-sd JobId 2858: Job write elapsed time = 14:45:49, 
>>>> Transfer rate = 2.702 M Bytes/second 
>>> Are you running an automounter for home directories?  That could explain 
>>> both
>>> the "Will not descend" messages and also why the warnings vary over time.
>>> __Martin
>> I'm not running an automounter.  And as I mentioned this error is 
>> intermittent.  I run this job incremental daily without complaint, I get 
>> this issue on the differential weekly run.  Regarding the time warning, I 
>> corrected this once by forcing an ntp on the fd client.  I think my ntp must 
>> not be running properly over there.
>> Beginning to feel like it's something with the snapshot (/mnt/foobar) not 
>> responding as a normal file system under load, and telling bacula-fd access 
>> is delayed/denied/?, then bacula understands the delay as device unreachable?
>> Troy
> Hi,
> bacula won't recurse filesystems if you don't explicitly tell it to.
> Look at the "onefs" option for the fileset resource:
> http://bacula.org/5.0.x-manuals/en/main/main/Configuring_Director.html#8566

Thanks for the suggestions I investigated onefs on your suggestion, and it gave 
me a hint as to the a potential fix.  On my client snapshot process isn't 
working properly.  The daily unmount is broken and I have multiple days (6) 
mounts being mounted in the same location /mnt/foobar.  I'm going to fix that 
umount issue and see if my problems go away.

Thank you!
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