I tried restoring a file but the restore wanted to mount an offsite
tape.  I took another path to get the file I need so no longer need
this restore done.  However, it's still waiting on a mount so I cannot
cancel it.  Here is what happens.

*status all
JobId 25604 Job RestoreFiles.2011-10-19_11.53.27_04 is running.
*cancel jobid=25604
JobId 25604 is not running. Use Job name to cancel inactive jobs.
*cancel job=RestoreFiles
Warning Job RestoreFiles is not running. Continuing anyway ...
JobId 0, Job RestoreFiles marked to be canceled.
 *status all
JobId 25604 Job RestoreFiles.2011-10-19_11.53.27_04 is running.

I have another restore queued up that I do need this one is keeping
the one I need from proceeding.  How can I cancel this restore job?



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