On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 11:02:23AM +0200, Dimitri Gourdon wrote:

> I use Bacula 5.0.2 on debian stable 6.0.2.
> I want to setup a fileset to match some directories to backup. The 
> directories are like this :
> ...
> /data/backup/DB-ADMIN-2011-10-12/
> /data/backup/DB-ADMIN-2011-10-13/
> /data/backup/DB-ADMIN-2011-10-14/
> ...
> And everyday a new directory is created.
> So my fileset :
> FileSet {
>    Name = "XXXXX"
>    Include {
>      Options {
>        signature = SHA1
>        compression=GZIP
>        wild = "/data/backup/DB-ADMIN*/"
>      }
>    }
> }
> My problem is that no file match ! I think it's a problem with the 
> fileset wildcard cause everything (!) else work well. I've tried a lot 
> of things, read documentation, search on google, etc... I cannot do this 
> ! Can someone help me ???
I'm not sure, but this excerpt from [1] looks interesting with regard to
your problem:

«5. When using wild-cards or regular expressions, directory names are
always terminated with a slash (/) and filenames have no trailing

So maybe either try

WildDir = "/data/backup/DB-ADMIN*/"

or try

Wild = "/data/backup/DB-ADMIN*"


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