* Am Thu, Jan 20 2011 at 11:21:30 +0000 , schrieb Martin Simmons:
> >>>>> On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 15:48:13 +0100, Frank Altpeter said:
> > 
> > After a short discussion on the channel, I was advised to create a
> > post here to see if there's help for that or if it's really a bug.
> > 
> > I've got a machine that is using bind mounts. Despite the fact that
> > the fileset definition is using "onefs=no" and "fstype=ext3", the bind
> > mounts' content is saved which results in multiple saves of the same
> > content.
> > 
> > I know I could simply add the relevant mount points on the exclude
> > list in the fileset, but I think it would make sense if this is
> > considered like other fstype configurations as well, since I don't
> > like to manually tweak the fileset on every possible change of the
> > bind mounts, and to keep the default fileset simple and generic.
> > 
> > I've put some addional information on http://racoon.pastebin.com/r44RTxyP
> > 
> > The bacula-fd has version 2.4.4 on opensuse 11.1 and the server is
> > running 5.0.3, on SLES 11.1
> > 
> > 
> > Any hints appreciated.
> Bacula implements onefs by looking for changes in the stat.st_dev (Device)
> field and implements fstype by calling statfs.  Unfortunately, both of these
> return the values associated with the target directory for bind mounts, so the
> mount point looks like a normal directory to Bacula.
> You can see that by comparing the output printed by for / and /backup:
> stat / /backup
> stat -f / /backup
> I don't know if that counts as a bug or not.

I just hit this "bug". Since the clients bindmounts are quite volatile, it 
would be hard to
generate a fileset. Any other ideas how to force bacula to ignore bindmounts ?


> __Martin
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