Il 07/12/2011 13:29, Radosław Korzeniewski ha scritto:
> Hello,
> 2011/12/2 Marcello Romani <
> <>>
>     Hallo,
>          I've got a (hopefully not so) unusual problem.
>     I need look for a text string inside some text files that I've backed up
>     with bacula.
>     The first, naive solution that comes to mind is of course to extract
>     portion of the backup archive (e.g. going back in time), one fd-client
>     at-a-time, do the search and then delete the "restored" files if the
>     string is not found.
>     But this process would be highly time-consuming and inefficient FWIKT.
> If you backup to disk volumes that you can search trough volume files.
> When you find a location (address) inside a volume then you can compare
> it with a jobmedia table in database. As a result you will get a jobid.
> In this case I assume that you don't perform any compression or encryption.
> best regards
> --
> Radosław Korzeniewski
> <>

Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately I compress files on disk.
I could try this approach on tape, though.

Marcello Romani

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